The U.S. Shale Boom Is Officially Over
Ever since trump destroyed the market, investors have been demanding capital disbursements. But the prices have gone up enough that it is possible to both invest, and make disbursements at the same time.
The U.S. Shale Boom Is Officially Over
Ever since trump destroyed the market, investors have been demanding capital disbursements. But the prices have gone up enough that it is possible to both invest, and make disbursements at the same time.
They are choosing to not, because they dont trust the nations leadership
Getting record production next year is not likely
and even if we did we dont have enough refinery capacity, and the chances that this gets fixed run near zero.
Ever since trump destroyed the market, investors have been demanding capital disbursements. But the prices have gone up enough that it is possible to both invest, and make disbursements at the same time.
how did trump destroy the market?
By allowing oil prices to go negative. After that, all investors demanded to see capital disbursements. That has caused a major problem in the oil production.
so he made oil cheaper?
is that what you mean by destroying the market?
you're a bad person.
He made oil a negative price. No one is going to invest money to produce oil that they then have to pay money to get rid of. I certainly will not; does that make me a bad person? No, that makes me a sane person.
trump destroyed the stability of the oil market, which is never coming back.
He made oil a negative price. No one is going to invest money to produce oil that they then have to pay money to get rid of. I certainly will not; does that make me a bad person? No, that makes me a sane person.
trump destroyed the stability of the oil market, which is never coming back.
oil was never a negative price.
did you ever get paid to fill up your car?
Yes, it was.
I do not put crude oil in my car. If you do, you are making a severe mistake.
Hallucination. Oil was never a negative price.Yes, it was.
Evasion. Answer the question put to you.I do not put crude oil in my car. If you do, you are making a severe mistake.
The diesel shortage is far from over
Hallucination. Oil was never a negative price. historic drop occurred on April 20, when the price of West Texas Intermediate crude dropped by almost 300%, trading at around negative $37 per barrel.
Remember seeing jpp's maga dumb fux posting this?
It's amazing how fast the Lefties here are willing to pillory a Conservative for a wrong prediction, but fervently support fellow Leftists for decades of wrong predictions on things like say Gorebal Warming (aka Climate Change)...