Tucker's main manipulation technique

And it is extremely effective because Leftists usually say some of the most insane delusional stuff you can imagine. All it takes to watch them crumble into incoherent jabbering is make them actually try to use facts. It works equally well on this board.

That's just one of the dogma's of the Leftist religion along with:

Fair and equal
Social justice
Economic justice

and a whole raft of other terms that for them don't mean what they're supposed to mean.

The illiberal are deeply dishonest.....the first step in putting down this abuse is calling out the liars which both liberals and conservatives have completely failed to do all along the way, which is why Washington is now under the control of a Regressive Left Revolution. Our only hope is for the Conservatives and the what liberals remain to come together to confront this crisis, which the revolution knows, and does everything in their power to prevent.

On a related note I call on everyone here to stop calling the left liberals.....that is not the reality now....the left is now almost all made up illiberals and their apologists.
Anyone ever watch the show?

He has one technique he uses, over & over again. It's right out of the textbook of propaganda and manipulating weak minds.

It goes something like this: (paraphrasing) "We're not making this up. We just played it for you. You saw it."

But what he just showed is usually very different from what he SAID it showed. For example, and this is one of his favorites lately: he'll show a clip of Biden or another Democrat talking about how we have to confront and defeat domestic terrorism. Then, he'll say something like (again, paraphrasing): "They're talking about YOU. They're calling you domestic terrorists. They want to start persecuting anyone who voted for Trump, and who disagrees with their agenda."

Before you have a chance to even furrow your brow in doubt, he'll go immediately for the "We're not making this up. We just played it for you. You saw it. That's exactly what they said."

Does it work? For people who want to believe in things like Jewish Space Lasers? You tell me.

Tucker is a demogogue, he finally found his niche, been thrown off of other networks for his prior roles, college looking centralist, bow tie wearing conservative, but now he has found a home on Fox will full out demagoguery

His technique isn't new nor unique to him, he generalizing off of the particular, a sorta warped inductive reasoning, what gets me chuckling is the facial expressions, the supposed bewilderment and phony moralism, all part of the show. John Oliver had a hysterical video montage of his facial contortions

He's only one of many
Tucker is a demogogue, he finally found his niche, been thrown off of other networks for his prior roles, college looking centralist, bow tie wearing conservative, but now he has found a home on Fox will full out demagoguery

His technique isn't new nor unique to him, he generalizing off of the particular, a sorta warped inductive reasoning, what gets me chuckling is the facial expressions, the supposed bewilderment and phony moralism, all part of the show. John Oliver had a hysterical video montage of his facial contortions

He's only one of many

Tucker is one of the 30 most important people in the American conversation right now, which is why the Regressive Left has put so much effort into cancelling him.
Tucker is a demogogue, he finally found his niche, been thrown off of other networks for his prior roles, college looking centralist, bow tie wearing conservative, but now he has found a home on Fox will full out demagoguery

His technique isn't new nor unique to him, he generalizing off of the particular, a sorta warped inductive reasoning, what gets me chuckling is the facial expressions, the supposed bewilderment and phony moralism, all part of the show. John Oliver had a hysterical video montage of his facial contortions

He's only one of many

Finally, a correct response.
Anyone ever watch the show?

He has one technique he uses, over & over again. It's right out of the textbook of propaganda and manipulating weak minds.

It goes something like this: (paraphrasing) "We're not making this up. We just played it for you. You saw it."

But what he just showed is usually very different from what he SAID it showed. For example, and this is one of his favorites lately: he'll show a clip of Biden or another Democrat talking about how we have to confront and defeat domestic terrorism. Then, he'll say something like (again, paraphrasing): "They're talking about YOU. They're calling you domestic terrorists. They want to start persecuting anyone who voted for Trump, and who disagrees with their agenda."

Before you have a chance to even furrow your brow in doubt, he'll go immediately for the "We're not making this up. We just played it for you. You saw it. That's exactly what they said."

Does it work? For people who want to believe in things like Jewish Space Lasers? You tell me.

you're a fucking idiot.
Tucker is one of the 30 most important people in the American conversation right now, which is why the Regressive Left has put so much effort into cancelling him.

Who's conversation?

Guarantee the majority of Americans don't have a clue who Tucker Carlson is or what he does, and those that do, most recognize him for what he is, as I said, just another demogogue, there are lots of them

And why would anyone want to cancel him, it is like playing whack-a-mole, as soon as one fades another appears
What did Biden say that made you think he was referring to you?

Not being snarky. Just curious.

For reasons unknown, he started a thread listing the house impeachment managers. This was my reply:

"Who gives a rat’s ass who these fucktards are? He won’t be convicted, and I hope that he WON’T run in ‘24 anyway(it would be hypocritical considering what he’s said about biden, and 78 actually IS too old to run for office). I will vote for him if he gets the nomination though, or I will vote for whoever comes closest to to his America first philosophy. You clowns are really going over the top in your attempts to erase Trump from history. Was he really that effective? And if he was, why did you want him gone? And not just gone, but erased? We see through you. You’re very new to this Stalinist behavior, so you’re making mistakes. Here’s a hint though: to finally get submission from the proletariat, lenin started a revolution. A REAL revolution, with guns and bombs and shit.

The only thing you’re doing with this pathetic cancel culture shit is pissing a bunch of people off. You can try to muzzle President Trump, but you will never muzzle his ideas, which WORKED"

His reply: "You support the violent overthrow of government."

My reply to that:
"I support the overthrow of any government that is oppressive, corrupt, usurps power and is inept. Preferably without violence. That’s what you THINK you did on November 3rd, right? And what have you got against violent revolution anyway? America was born of it."

His final interaction with me: "At least you're honest about being an enemy of the United States."

To top it off, you ever see dutch uncle's forum signature? It says that if you see something call the fucking FBI! has the website and the phone# right there! Hell, after the way they've behaved the last 5 years, I wouldn't call those bastards if I saw a bunch of chinese paratroopers landing in my back yard. This is some seriously communist crap you guys are flirting with.
Happily I never watch him. Kudos though, I don't know how you can suffer an insufferable jerk like that clown.
He looks like a privileged pussified angry punk reject from St Elmo's Fire. Andrew McCarthy got the part instead.

Have you ever noticed how during his show, whenever Carlson is on camera, he always looks like he just got a whiff of a fart that someone off camera let go with and it's killing him?


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Have you ever noticed how during his show, whenever Carlson is on camera, he always looks like he just got a whiff of a fart that someone off camera let go with and it's killing him?

Exactly, as I said above, what gets me chuckling is the facial expressions, the supposed bewilderment and phony moralism. John Oliver had a hysterical video montage of his facial contortions
Exactly, as I said above, what gets me chuckling is the facial expressions, the supposed bewilderment and phony moralism. John Oliver had a hysterical video montage of his facial contortions

I just googled "Tucker Carlson fart face" and it came back with HUNDREDS of images of pained facial expressions from ol Fart Face.
Obviously, you don't know what propaganda is.

Carlson is relatively effective at giving you a reasonable argument for something. He shows you a clip or source and comments on it. You are free to agree or disagree and since you know the source(s) you can look them up for yourself and see more if you like.

Propaganda is about hiding the truth when it's inconvenient. It uses a combination of logical fallacies (the Left applies these regularly to their arguments) and manipulation through emotion to be effective.

If what Carlson plays as a clip matches what he then says as commentary, then it's harder to refute it.

It's much easier to go over to CNN or MSNBC and doubt the credibility of their talking heads because they rarely give you information straight up. Instead, they usually foist their opinion on you and use in house "experts" to give it some legitimacy. There's far more propaganda there than with Carlson, not that everything he says shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt or shaker or three.

True with any pundit.

I would add that the weird obsession [weird to normal people] the left has with words has a propaganda purpose. Want to call attention away from the CCP’s role in the pandemic? Have Biden sign an edict prohibiting the use of the *accurate* term China Virus. Make up a story about mass, white right ring violence, against Asians as a pretext.

Same ditto with Islamic terrorism. That clear and concise term was jettisoned under Obama for the same, vapid, reasons. Ditto, illegal aliens and on and on.

The left is constantly constructing absurd euphemisms to conceal an agenda. If Tucker Carlson is a propagandist he’s a rank amateur compared to progressives.