TV Pundit Conspiracy Uncovered

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Some people believe the job of our cable news talk show hosts is to help uncover government conspiracies. Perhaps this is the perfect cover for being a member of one of the most powerful conspiracies in history.

The evidence is undeniable.

DoBBs. OlbermaNN. O'ReiLLy. HaNNity. MaTThews. MaDDow. HuckabEE.

Anything stick out for you there?

CNN also has CampbeLL Brown, LaRRy King, and Anderson COOper. And on Fox News there's also GleNN Beck, Bill HeMMer and Megyn KeLLy, Chris WaLLace, Steve DOOcy, and black-haired-guy-who-is-not-Steve-DOOcy.

You wondered why Fox got rid of Alan Colmes? It had nothing to do with ratings or political views. This also explains why BiLL O'ReiLLy has twice the popularity of any of his colleagues.

Comedians pretending to be real talk show hosts -- like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and David Shuster -- don't follow the sinister pattern and are obviously not a part of the conspiracy. These noble funnymen may be our only hope at salvation.

took a former sportscaster to make America stand up and pay attention to the Hannity's and O'Reallys of this world.
another boring threedee thread, brought to you by threedee, and made possible by viewers like you, and threedee.
How did that happen, nobody watches him accept about 15 people probably high on meth.

Oh, you must have lived in Nikiski or Wasilla to know about meth, were those other 14 people your neighbors?
Oh, you must have lived in Nikiski or Wasilla to know about meth, were those other 14 people your neighbors?

I told you I lived up by Fairbanks..but I heard there is some damn good pot grown down around Wasilla..
Do you know from experience, Norman?

No, he never sucked me, but I used to watch the news on the channel he did sports for, and he was not good.

Now, on a lighter note, his thin lips remind me of the weird cartton show, Clutch Cargo where they superimposed a real mouth on the cartoon. Strange shit man.

I told you I lived up by Fairbanks..but I heard there is some damn good pot grown down around Wasilla..

Fairbanks, sorry, I didn't originally catch where you lived. I admire anyone who lives north of Anchorage. I lived in Fairbanks in 1975 and never wish to repeat the experience! It was at the height of the pipeline an as a 19 year old from Kansas, it was pure culture shock. It was wild and crazy and unbelievable as you and probably heard the stories. My hubby finished a great deal of the concrete in Fairbanks as it was growing in those early days! Did you ever eat at "Mother's" or plat darts at the "Midnight Mine"? OH, those were the good times! the wild days.
Fairbanks, sorry, I didn't originally catch where you lived. I admire anyone who lives north of Anchorage. I lived in Fairbanks in 1975 and never wish to repeat the experience! It was at the height of the pipeline an as a 19 year old from Kansas, it was pure culture shock. It was wild and crazy and unbelievable as you and probably heard the stories. My hubby finished a great deal of the concrete in Fairbanks as it was growing in those early days! Did you ever eat at "Mother's" or plat darts at the "Midnight Mine"? OH, those were the good times! the wild days.

I lived about 80mils south of Fairbanks when I fist moved there in 93. with the hubby's job...after a divorce in 02, I moved into Fairbanks and worked at Fort Wainwright for a couple of years, then eventually I transferred to Clear Air Force station around where I had lived and moved back to my home town..until I left six months ago..
Culture shock is the word when I first moved to Alaska..The winters and 24 darkness and daylight was a trip..but you get used to it..The -50 belows was another thing. I never heard of the places you talked about eating at, maybe it was before my time..I did hear many a stories about the way things were up there when the pipeline was going in and they were wild..I love Alaska, but as I said, the winter finally got the better of me as I got older, so I thought I'd give a try outside in the lower 48..We'll see if I can stay away.:)
took a former sportscaster to make America stand up and pay attention to the Hannity's and O'Reallys of this world.
Not really. I'm cynical about Olberman, he's doing what the right wing talking heads are doing. Throwing raw meat to a targeted audience. I'll give Olberman credit that when no other major journalist was willing to criticise Bush he stood up and showed he has a pair. Having said that, he goes to far towards singing to the choir and that's not good journalism either.

As for O'Leily, Handjob Hannity, Fearless Leader Limbaugh (Isn't it ironic that a fat bald white guy is the leader of the Republican party? One couldnt' pick a better characiture or steorotype then Limbaugh, could they?) and Closet Queen Savage, the old addage of Lincoln applies to them. You can't fool all the people all the time. You can't be as consistently wrong as they have been over the last 10 years and not lose your credibility.
Still this same ole crappola...

Rush is the leader of the Republican know that thingy that the left wingers like to do...repeat a lie enough and hope some of the idiots out there start believing it's true..
Still this same ole crappola...

Rush is the leader of the Republican know that thingy that the left wingers like to do...repeat a lie enough and hope some of the idiots out there start believing it's true..

Cong. Gingrey and Chmn. Steele were forced to apologize to whom and for what? Brooks and Frum took no criticism for speaking out in print? The GOP de facto Leader sits in all his Palm Beach Majesty scaring the pee out of GOP politicians.