TV Pundit Conspiracy Uncovered

Cong. Gingrey and Chmn. Steele were forced to apologize to whom and for what? Brooks and Frum took no criticism for speaking out in print? The GOP de facto Leader sits in all his Palm Beach Majesty scaring the pee out of GOP politicians.

Yeah because we all know, apologizing is a sin to a liberal..

your argument is WEAK.
Not really. I'm cynical about Olberman, he's doing what the right wing talking heads are doing. Throwing raw meat to a targeted audience. I'll give Olberman credit that when no other major journalist was willing to criticise Bush he stood up and showed he has a pair. Having said that, he goes to far towards singing to the choir and that's not good journalism either.

As for O'Leily, Handjob Hannity, Fearless Leader Limbaugh (Isn't it ironic that a fat bald white guy is the leader of the Republican party? One couldnt' pick a better characiture or steorotype then Limbaugh, could they?) and Closet Queen Savage, the old addage of Lincoln applies to them. You can't fool all the people all the time. You can't be as consistently wrong as they have been over the last 10 years and not lose your credibility.

I listened to him in the early Bush days. He was the only one brave enough to talk about what they were doing, I like you admired him for that. If he is singing to the choir,lately then I agree, it is not good journalism, it is entertainment, like all the rest of them.

Closet Queen Savage, I love it, he is pure evil! And Beck is just one crazy guy. Hi, haven't seen you in awhile, but I haven't been here, either until late!
oooooooooooooo Michael Savage is "EVIL"...I bet he eats little children for breakfast before he starts his show..
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Still this same ole crappola...

Rush is the leader of the Republican know that thingy that the left wingers like to do...repeat a lie enough and hope some of the idiots out there start believing it's true..

I thought that was the American public from 1999-2009.
oooooooooooooo Michael Savage is "EVIL"...I bet he eats little children for breakfast before he starts his show..

"The San Francisco Board of Supervisors sought to pass a resolution condemning Savage for comments he made on his show on July 5, 2007 regarding illegal immigrants. A group of students were protesting in the manner of a fast and Savage remarked, "...let them fast until they starve to death."

Please don't tell me you listen to or support this man and his message?

Despite poor ratings, MSNBC kept the Savage Nation on until Saturday, July 5, 2003, when MSNBC broadcast its last Savage Nation show. On it Savage took a call from a prankster who claimed he was gay, to which Savage responded in part:

"Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage? You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Okay, do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse, who's angry at me today? Get another one. Put another sodomite on."
yeah, I remember when all those tolerant liberals tried to shut down Savages freedom of speech because he said something that hurt their sensitive feelings...waaaaaa ..and we just can't have that..
didn't work did it..but they sure as hell will always try.

and no I don't listen to him, but I have heard him on occasions..I'm just not for taking away peoples right of Freedom of Speech because someone feels offended... people can do the same I do with Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann who spew disgusting vomit...tune them out, turn them OFF...but for some reason liberals can't seem to figure that out...I wonder why?
yeah, I remember when all those tolerant liberals tried to shut down Savages freedom of speech because he said something that hurt their sensitive feelings...waaaaaa ..and we just can't have that..
didn't work did it..but they sure as hell will always try.

and no I don't listen to him, but I have heard him on occasions..I'm just not for taking away peoples right of Freedom of Speech because someone feels offended... people can do the same I do with Bill Maher and Keith Olbermann who spew disgusting vomit...tune them out, turn them OFF...but for some reason liberals can't seem to figure that out...I wonder why?

So, yelling fire in a crowded theater should also be allowed under the freedom of speech and how about if you are in the airport and you say, "I bet if my medication was a bomb you could find my suitcase, is okay?

Savage's remarks on public airlines should be monitored. I can only speak for myself, I don't want to take away his freedom to speak, but I do want him to tone down the hate speech. His point can be made without it.

I have never heard Olbermann or Mahr make comments on the same level as Savage, it is like comparing apples to oranges.
I don't care if you yell fire in a theater, it's your right..just be prepared for the consequences..

and who should monitor our free speech..the liberals speech police..really all they are is fascist deep down..they just can't stand not to RULE over others..

but of course you have NEVER heard Maher or Olbermann say anything like Savage..
John Stuart just this week on his show, told Rush Limbaugh to just get the Fuck out NY and this was on TV.....but that is OK speech because it was done by a liberal loud mouth...we all know the double we continually have to fight for or right of Freedom of speech from you people..

here's Maher speaking of our troops just last week..enjoy!
[ame=""]YouTube - Maher To Troops: 'At Some Point These People Are Gonna Have To Learn To Rape Themselves.'[/ame]
I don't care if you yell fire in a theater, it's your right..just be prepared for the consequences..

and who should monitor our free speech..the liberals speech police..really all they are is fascist deep down..they just can't stand not to RULE over others..

but of course you have NEVER heard Maher or Olbermann say anything like Savage..
John Stuart just this week on his show, told Rush Limbaugh to just get the Fuck out NY and this was on TV.....but that is OK speech because it was done by a liberal loud mouth...we all know the double we continually have to fight for or right of Freedom of speech from you people..

here's Maher speaking of our troops just last week..enjoy!
YouTube - Maher To Troops: 'At Some Point These People Are Gonna Have To Learn To Rape Themselves.'

You have totally missed the point and the greater harm done by Savage.
You have totally missed the point and the greater harm done by Savage.

sure I have. lets see if I have this right..

Savage conservative-words does harm and you all need to monitor or call for him to be taken off the radio

Maher liberal-can degrade our troops on T.V., but does no harm and should not be monitored or asked to be taken of our television airwaves that we own.....

got it..
sure I have. lets see if I have this right..

Savage conservative-words does harm and you all need to monitor or call for him to be taken off the radio

Maher liberal-can degrade our troops on T.V., but does no harm and should not be monitored or asked to be taken of our television airwaves that we own.....

got it..

Nope, it still doesn't compare to the hate and damage Savage words have done. I haven't seen anyone attack the troops because of what Mahr says, or Olberman, etc.
Nope, it still doesn't compare to the hate and damage Savage words have done. I haven't seen anyone attack the troops because of what Mahr says, or Olberman, etc.

Oh! so Maher calling our troops 'rapist' is ok with you. he is after all just exercising he right to free speech
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Oh! so Maher calling our troops 'rapist' is ok with you..figures.

Well, the females serving in Iraq had more to fear from their fellow soldiers than from the Iraqis, so in part it is true.

"Defense officials said during a briefing yesterday that the aggregate number of reports combines incidents that vary in the degree of offense committed. About 63 percent represent rape or aggravated assault. Also, 251 incidents occurred in combat areas, with 141 in Iraq and 22 in Afghanistan. Those numbers increased from fiscal 2007, Whitley said."

"Yet the history of sexual assault and rape of women around US military bases, particularly in Okinawa, reveals a military institutional acceptance of this criminal behavior and a lack of enforcement of military regulations against such behavior by senior military officers."

Rape in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan 165 - 2006
132 in 2007.

Isn't Mhr giving the facts while Savage is just being a hater?
Nope, it still doesn't compare to the hate and damage Savage words have done. I haven't seen anyone attack the troops because of what Mahr says, or Olberman, etc.

show me where Savages words caused all these 'attacts' that you speak of..I'll wait
Well, the females serving in Iraq had more to fear from their fellow soldiers than from the Iraqis, so in part it is true.

"Defense officials said during a briefing yesterday that the aggregate number of reports combines incidents that vary in the degree of offense committed. About 63 percent represent rape or aggravated assault. Also, 251 incidents occurred in combat areas, with 141 in Iraq and 22 in Afghanistan. Those numbers increased from fiscal 2007, Whitley said."

"Yet the history of sexual assault and rape of women around US military bases, particularly in Okinawa, reveals a military institutional acceptance of this criminal behavior and a lack of enforcement of military regulations against such behavior by senior military officers."

Rape in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan 165 - 2006
132 in 2007.

Isn't Mhr giving the facts while Savage is just being a hater?

that isn't what Maher was talking about and you know it...but do keep spinning
show me where Savages words caused all these 'attacts' that you speak of..I'll wait

One example, on his radio show he advocated the beating of bums. Violence against the homeless increased, remember "Bum Fights"?

Jim Adkisson was a huge fan of Mr. Savage.
One example, on his radio show he advocated the beating of bums. Violence against the homeless increased, remember "Bum Fights"?

Jim Adkisson was a huge fan of Mr. Savage.

that is your proof?? what a stretch.
to a's freedom of speech for me, but not for thee..

fortunately, there are still a lot of us who believe in our rights and will stand up to the fascist who want to take those away..:clink:
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