Two basic types of Conservatives

Yet the post I responded to was. :rolleyes:

No, I never even hinted that WM's post was based in reality. But then, its WM so no one expects reality.

And this is not the first time you have discussed armed conflicts against liberals or democrats. And WM was probably responding to you comment about rebellion. (but mostly I think he was just making fun of your melodramatic post)
have you been living under a rock, democrats out number republicans by about 20%

Can you read? I said liberals, not Democrats. Liberals make up about 20% of the population, while 35% consider themselves to be conservative. These numbers are consistent across multiple surveys.
Let's take a poll, any conservative democrats here?
I'm sure I'm wrong, but most conservatives here get a bad wrap for letting the bible thumpers drive their party to the silly piece of shit it has become.
To the conservatives who want to legalize pot and spend less, you are the shit. Fix your friends.
Let's take a poll, any conservative democrats here?
I'm sure I'm wrong, but most conservatives here get a bad wrap for letting the bible thumpers drive their party to the silly piece of shit it has become.
To the conservatives who want to legalize pot and spend less, you are the shit. Fix your friends.
When you're wrong, change the subject. Very common tactic among you liberals.

The fact is, that conservatives outnumber liberals by almost 2 to 1. And of course, we've got guns. Easy killing, I'd say.

Come on Obama-Pelosi-Reid- go left, far left, hard left, and as fast as you can. Raise all our taxes to 90%. Inflict the Fairness Doctrine. Get that Universal health care thing going. Gay marriage in every state. Clamp down on Liberty. Let's get the glory going!
Southern tool thanks for showing what a reatrded redneck you are. You'll be very fustrated in the next 8 yrs.
Let's take a poll, any conservative democrats here?
I'm sure I'm wrong, but most conservatives here get a bad wrap for letting the bible thumpers drive their party to the silly piece of shit it has become.
To the conservatives who want to legalize pot and spend less, you are the shit. Fix your friends.

I really don't care who is in my party. There are certain values I hold that cross over with 'bible thumpers' and many where we differ. I've had plenty of folks I really like attack me on being anti-ID in science, not accepting of a literal interpretation of the Bible, etc. On the other hand, my beliefs do not require me to not interact or befriend them, atheists, agnostics, etc. I try to treat others the way I'd like to be treated. However, I'll never be accused of being a Buddhist, though I try to borrow some of the philosophy.
Let's take a poll, any conservative democrats here?

Ever heard of conservative independents?

I'm sure I'm wrong,

It wouldn't be the first time.

but most conservatives here get a bad wrap for letting the bible thumpers drive their party to the silly piece of shit it has become.
To the conservatives who want to legalize pot and spend less, you are the shit. Fix your friends.

Pot should be legalized. However, I do not have a childish obsession with the issue.

What about the liberal Democrats who oppose legalizing pot? They seem to have conveniently evaded your radar...
Tabasco, I don't associate you with the great product made in my state.
Don't know what you do for a living if anything.
Childish. You republicans jail 800,000 mostly black youth for possession. I know racism is second nature to you conservatives but dude it's 2009.
Tabasco, I don't associate you with the great product made in my state.
Don't know what you do for a living if anything.
Childish. You republicans jail 800,000 mostly black youth for possession. I know racism is second nature to you conservatives but dude it's 2009.

Wow, didn't know that the police, judges, and juries were all conservatives! Brilliant.

Do I think that the poor and minorities are jailed disproportionately? Yes. A huge part is money, thus lawyers. Another part is the cultures of the accused and the system, they are different. Those with money are more likely to follow the same behaviors, language patterns of those in the system. The argument that, 'this could be your son, your daughter, have mercy...' works.

Something needs to be done about it on that we agree, to blame a political philosophy though is nonsense.
Annie at least you seem somewhat reasonable, as do several other conservatives on the board.
But, check a list of politicians and let me know any group that includes more than 20% republican supporting decrim or leagalization. It is in fact republicans prob afraid of the religious right holding progress back.
Annie at least you seem somewhat reasonable, as do several other conservatives on the board.
But, check a list of politicians and let me know any group that includes more than 20% republican supporting decrim or leagalization. It is in fact republicans prob afraid of the religious right holding progress back.

Thanks for the 'somewhat.' Much of the time do you, as does Motley, Solitary, (though I really hate 3rd person arguments. ;) ) Don't you think it would be better to ignore those that are 'always correct', rather than groups everyone into bible thumpers or anarchists?