Two Colorado Churches Shot up...


Staff member
The one in Arvada, the Arvada Mission Center (Several things go on there, I'll get more into that later) is owned by the church I grew up in, Faith Bible Chapel. And yes, Rob, they are actual Holy Rollers.

The second church New Life Church is Haggard's formal home.

They are well over 70 miles apart with about a billion churches in between.

Now the Arvada Mission Center does train missionaries, the teens live in a dormitory style setting. This was the portion that was shot up. At 12:30 AM on Sunday morning.

They also have a group called the "Youth Mission Center", this affiliates with "Exodus" run by the New Life Church which counsels young homosexuals who wish to fight the urge of "Inappropriate Attraction".

That is the only connection that I know of between the two churches.
really sad stuff.

I doubt there is any connection other than the country is going gun ass crazy.
Churches attract and embrace mentally unstable people. These types of events are to be expected from time to time. Unfortunate but inevitable.
The one in Arvada, the Arvada Mission Center (Several things go on there, I'll get more into that later) is owned by the church I grew up in, Faith Bible Chapel. And yes, Rob, they are actual Holy Rollers.

The second church New Life Church is Haggard's formal home.

They are well over 70 miles apart with about a billion churches in between.

Now the Arvada Mission Center does train missionaries, the teens live in a dormitory style setting. This was the portion that was shot up. At 12:30 AM on Sunday morning.

They also have a group called the "Youth Mission Center", this affiliates with "Exodus" run by the New Life Church which counsels young homosexuals who wish to fight the urge of "Inappropriate Attraction".

That is the only connection that I know of between the two churches.

I know both facilities pretty well. My previous firm underwrote the bonds for both facilities.
really sad stuff.

I doubt there is any connection other than the country is going gun ass crazy.

Gun control only serves to remove protection from the private citizens, as most criminals aren't using legal weapons to begin with....get a fucking clue.
Churches attract and embrace mentally unstable people. These types of events are to be expected from time to time. Unfortunate but inevitable.

so do politics.. but you dont see this happening at conventions and such
You are right Damo it was done by the same guy as it turns out.
That sucks. I'll also bet he lived at the Arvada Mission Center, and may have been forced to participate in counseling based on his 'unnatural urges'....
Please remember, everybody, that I am not even a believer in the religion or a current member of the church/s in question.
Idon't think so..........

That sucks. I'll also bet he lived at the Arvada Mission Center, and may have been forced to participate in counseling based on his 'unnatural urges'....

MSN is reporting that he was turned away by the Mission...whats with you lately have a un-natural urge to bash religion!
MSN is reporting that he was turned away by the Mission...whats with you lately have a un-natural urge to bash religion!
I'm not bashing religion. I am describing what I know of that church I belonged to.

He was rejected that evening. As he tried to enter with a gun. However, most people would not even know it was there, let alone what entrance to go to unless they lived there before.
Also remember Battleborne I lived in this church, practically spent more time there by force than I did at home or school discounting sleeping.
Im sure much hey will be made of this nutcase hating christians.
They have been very careful in the release of information on this individual. Unlike that of the guy in Omaha. I find it interesting in how the religious organizations appear to be treated differently by the press.

Also remember Battleborne I lived in this church, practically spent more time there by force than I did at home or school discounting sleeping.

I did not know this why you became a vegitarian/Libertarian/Buddhist?
and for the part where you said he was denied entry because he had a gun...not really believable...if I were them and not armed I would have said hell ya what bed would you like!