Two Colorado Churches Shot up...

I did not know this why you became a vegitarian/Libertarian/Buddhist?
and for the part where you said he was denied entry because he had a gun...not really believable...if I were them and not armed I would have said hell ya what bed would you like!
It's why I believe he lived there. They didn't believe he was going to harm them. However entry into church property armed if you are not one of their guards is denied. And on that particular property they deal with disadvantaged youth on a regular basis. It is a portion of why it exists.

The guy lived there. He was kicked out of the training for missionaries because of "undeclared medical issues", his roommate stated that he "heard voices".

As for the second church, Ted Haggard's former church, his uncle is a pastor there (at least according to what I have heard from friends).

Nobody that I know got hurt. I actually worried about a life long friend who is a youth pastor at Faith Bible Chapel and has responsibility at the Arvada Missionary Center. The guy lived in the apartment above me when I was a kid. Really good person. The friend, not the idiot with the guns.

As for the lady with the gun who stopped him. She was part of a volunteer force with conceal carry, not a paid or official guard of the church. As far as I can tell at this moment. I'm going off information I gathered from people that I know, including that friend I spoke about here.

The guy lived there. He was kicked out of the training for missionaries because of "undeclared medical issues", his roommate stated that he "heard voices".

As for the second church, Ted Haggard's former church, his uncle is a pastor there (at least according to what I have heard from friends).

Nobody that I know got hurt. I actually worried about a life long friend who is a youth pastor at Faith Bible Chapel and has responsibility at the Arvada Missionary Center. The guy lived in the apartment above me when I was a kid. Really good person. The friend, not the idiot with the guns.

As for the lady with the gun who stopped him. She was part of a volunteer force with conceal carry, not a paid or official guard of the church. As far as I can tell at this moment. I'm going off information I gathered from people that I know, including that friend I spoke about here.

All the facts are now coming out...the Guard was a former police officer...and she shot the perp several times...however the police are reporting that the perp died of a self inflicted gunshot(after being shot by the female guard)...suicide...what I am wondering is why was this female volunteer guard(un-paid) no longer a police officer...and what does she do for income(employment)

Also this also appears as if the perp was trying to committ suicide via a guard...since he was a former long time member of the church...he was surely aware of the armed volunteer guards...and he shot himself rather than the female guard...strange!

I am begining to see damos point about this appears as if it is a cult along the lines of the Warren Jeff /Mormon cult...they also used police in their places of worship...why did this mission feel the need to have armed guards present...was it to control the residents or keep out whatever?

Also this perp had a history of mental illness as described in reports from the goes back some five years...why did they not get him psychological help...rather than kick him out...bewildering to say the least!

At any rate I can now understand why damo left this religious group in the dust...he may have very well suffered from their cultism as he alluded to earlier in this thread!
All the facts are now coming out...the Guard was a former police officer...and she shot the perp several times...however the police are reporting that the perp died of a self inflicted gunshot(after being shot by the female guard)...suicide...what I am wondering is why was this female volunteer guard(un-paid) no longer a police officer...and what does she do for income(employment)

Also this also appears as if the perp was trying to committ suicide via a guard...since he was a former long time member of the church...he was surely aware of the armed volunteer guards...and he shot himself rather than the female guard...strange!

I am begining to see damos point about this appears as if it is a cult along the lines of the Warren Jeff /Mormon cult...they also used police in their places of worship...why did this mission feel the need to have armed guards present...was it to control the residents or keep out whatever?

Also this perp had a history of mental illness as described in reports from the goes back some five years...why did they not get him psychological help...rather than kick him out...bewildering to say the least!

At any rate I can now understand why damo left this religious group in the dust...he may have very well suffered from their cultism as he alluded to earlier in this thread!
The church has over 7000 members.

They are like any other pentacostal church, just with far more members than some towns. The infrastructure must be different than most churches.

The killer was not a member of Haggard's Church, he was a member of Faith Bible Chapel who runs the missionary training center where he was a student that was kicked out due to aural hallucinations.

Seriously, I wouldn't call them a "cult", just uber-religious. His father having home-schooled the kid might even be worse than my mother was.
All the facts are now coming out...the Guard was a former police officer...and she shot the perp several times...however the police are reporting that the perp died of a self inflicted gunshot(after being shot by the female guard)...suicide...what I am wondering is why was this female volunteer guard(un-paid) no longer a police officer...and what does she do for income(employment)

Also this also appears as if the perp was trying to committ suicide via a guard...since he was a former long time member of the church...he was surely aware of the armed volunteer guards...and he shot himself rather than the female guard...strange!

I am begining to see damos point about this appears as if it is a cult along the lines of the Warren Jeff /Mormon cult...they also used police in their places of worship...why did this mission feel the need to have armed guards present...was it to control the residents or keep out whatever?

Also this perp had a history of mental illness as described in reports from the goes back some five years...why did they not get him psychological help...rather than kick him out...bewildering to say the least!

At any rate I can now understand why damo left this religious group in the dust...he may have very well suffered from their cultism as he alluded to earlier in this thread!

why do you hate God ?
I'm confused...............

The church has over 7000 members.

They are like any other pentacostal church, just with far more members than some towns. The infrastructure must be different than most churches.

The killer was not a member of Haggard's Church, he was a member of Faith Bible Chapel who runs the missionary training center where he was a student that was kicked out due to aural hallucinations. Was not his Uncle a pastor there?
Seriously, I wouldn't call them a "cult", just uber-religious. His father having home-schooled the kid might even be worse than my mother was.

I was under the impression both Haggards church and the mission were linked...and who has the carry permit volunteer guards...both or just one...where was he shot the mission or Haggards church...?

Either way my comment still stands...why does a mission or church need armed guards...just like the Warren Jeff/Mormon cult did!
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Well if and when that happens.........

Could be dating the youngsters I suppose if I wanted to.
25 is when most people begin to get their heads removed from their butts.

which I seriously doubt..please post your cheating, must be substaniated with proof!;)
I was under the impression both Haggards church and the mission were linked...and who has the carry permit volunteer guards...both or just one...where was he shot the mission or Haggards church...?

Either way my comment still stands...why does a mission or church need armed guards...just like the Warren Jeff/Mormon cult did!
He was shot at Haggard's former church "New Life" or whatever they call it.

Arvada Mission Center was where he started, it is owned and run by a church in Arvada called Faith Bible Chapel (the church I grew up in). That is where he tried to enter because he "needed a place to sleep" and was refused because he had a handgun. The leaders there are not armed. It is a dormitory environment where missionaries are trained. I had said earlier it is likely he had lived there because if you hadn't it is unlikely you would even know it was there, let alone know where the entrance you could gain entrance at that time of night was... It turns out I was right. He was a student there, but was kicked out because of a mental illness where he had begun to hear aural hallucinations.

5 years later, and who knows if he ever got help for the schizophrenia, he returned to kill. He wasn't allowed in, none of the students were killed, it was the leaders that were refusing him entry that were shot there.

He then left and went somewhere to post some idiotic diatribe on the internet finishing with a verse from a song by KMFDM (No, it isn't some band that sings about killing alot, they sing about politics, the song he chose happened to be about Christianity). After posting his diatribe he then proceeded to plant some smoke bombs and start shooting at Haggard's church where he was met by the lady with the conceal carry permit who is either a volunteer guard there, or simply a lady with a conceal carry permit. I am getting conflicting information from different sources on that one. Either way, the church was on high alert (another reason that I think they knew who he was when he attempted entry at the Mission Center in Arvada and they knew he was the Nephew of one of New Life's pastors.)

There was a link between the two places because of a different program that is run there too, but this guy had no affiliation with that program at all. The link is a loose one as they both have separate chapters of a more national program called "Exodus".

He was the Nephew of one of the pastors at Haggard's old church. This is the likely reason he went there, not from the very thin link that I mentioned before.

The Mission Center is in Arvada, CO. Haggard's church is over 65 miles away in Colorado Springs... So, my guess right now is he left and found a friend or an internet cafe in CO Springs to post his idiocy then drove on over to begin what he thought would be a huge slaughter. Thankfully it was cut short by a quick acting lady with conceal carry. He then finished himself off, likely to avoid getting raped nightly and shared out by his new owner Larry.