the Mayor of Portland, the VP elect Harris, every fuckwitted member of Congress with a (D) beside their name and you.......

you are lying, asshole bitch. give a source where they praised looters and encouraged violence, you piece of shit liar. just because trump lies all the goddamn time, does that mean you should, punk ass?
you are lying, asshole bitch. give a source where they praised looters and encouraged violence, you piece of shit liar. just because trump lies all the goddamn time, does that mean you should, punk ass?
for fucks sake, go live in denial if you want but stop whining about the consequences........have the protesters ever left Portland?.....
you are lying, asshole bitch. give a source where they praised looters and encouraged violence, you piece of shit liar. just because trump lies all the goddamn time, does that mean you should, punk ass?

You leftie snowflake dems really are filled with anger and hate. I bet you would be the first to report a person for "hate speech".. Crying in your cornflakes.
Just a couple of question for you leftie Communist DEMS ---

Why did you and your Mayors - Governors - Senators et al. demand/order Police and other LEOs to stand down during the destruction of Towns and cities around the USA resulting in murder, fires, and absolute mayhem, committed by your own like minded people - BLM - ANTIFA etc yet for Sleepy Joes private inauguration you demand 25000 military personnel locked and loaded?????

Cant you not see how revolting this shows you to be?

Why you want to insult slime like that?
You leftie snowflake dems really are filled with anger and hate. I bet you would be the first to report a person for "hate speech".. Crying in your cornflakes.

It's funny though because they would kill their grandmothers if they thought it would advance their agenda. No doubt about it
Why you want to insult slime like that?

I simply, easily prove the leftie regressives are incapable of discernment upon the truth. They go straight into name calling, but without foundation except their sick low iQ reasoning with a heavy does of cognitive dissonance. But the best is yet to come because Biden and Kamaleeion will fuff up big style. With one foot in the Canoe and one foot on the land there is only one way to go - INTO THE WATER. That these leftie people get pleasure on seeing the destruction of the once greatest country on Earth is a sickening, psychotic mindset and there is only one way to go... DOWN!!!!!!
shouldn't you be in a rocking chair on your front porch, drooling uncontrollably as you yell at kids to stay off your lawn?

I'll be waiting for BLM to march down my street, and ventilate them when they do. I'm not going to where they are, but they damn sure better not come around here.

Homie ain't playin' that.
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You're talking out your ass! Typical TRUMPTARD! Conflating! Just running your mouth expecting people to be influenced by just whatever hateful crap you can make up at the moment. TYPICAL DONALD TRUMP HATEFUL BULLSHIT!



Trump lives in your head, huh? Seems like he broke you..yikes.
I simply, easily prove the leftie regressives are incapable of discernment upon the truth. They go straight into name calling, but without foundation except their sick low iQ reasoning with a heavy does of cognitive dissonance. But the best is yet to come because Biden and Kamaleeion will fuff up big style. With one foot in the Canoe and one foot on the land there is only one way to go - INTO THE WATER. That these leftie people get pleasure on seeing the destruction of the once greatest country on Earth is a sickening, psychotic mindset and there is only one way to go... DOWN!!!!!!

Thank you for that encouraging message. I fully agree they totally intend harm. America may just not put up with it.

You think that cheated crap means a damn thing to most Americans? It does not, we all know what really happened, even some of the hardcore leftist shills know what happened deep down.
Most of America is very angry right now. They don't even want to talk about it because they'll get angry. A couple of bad moves by Democrats could be the end.
That election was cheated, and a majority of America knows it.
I'll be waiting for BLM to march down my street, and ventilate them when they do. I'm not going to where they are, but they damn sure better not come around here.

Homie ain't playin' that.

so, you believe you have the right to decide who walks down your street, a public street? have you ever read a book or finished grade school?
You think that cheated crap means a damn thing to most Americans? It does not, we all know what really happened, even some of the hardcore leftist shills know what happened deep down.
Most of America is very angry right now. They don't even want to talk about it because they'll get angry. A couple of bad moves by Democrats could be the end.
That election was cheated, and a majority of America knows it.

how could a couple of bad moves by democrats be the end, crybaby bitch? punk ass morons like you are only a threat to yourselves, boy.
You think that cheated crap means a damn thing to most Americans? It does not, we all know what really happened, even some of the hardcore leftist shills know what happened deep down.
Most of America is very angry right now. They don't even want to talk about it because they'll get angry. A couple of bad moves by Democrats could be the end.
That election was cheated, and a majority of America knows it.

Absolutely. If Mr Trump had committed such criminal fraud and aided and abetted murder and destruction in the way Biden did this election I would never support Trump. Thats the difference between leftie, rotten slime commies and me. They dont care how Biden got the job whereas I 100% su[port the Rule Of Law above anything. Leftie commie Dems have no moral scruples and they dont give a shit who is hurt or how much damage is done to the USA - its the way psychopaths behave.
Absolutely. If Mr Trump had committed such criminal fraud and aided and abetted murder and destruction in the way Biden did this election I would never support Trump. Thats the difference between leftie, rotten slime commies and me. They dont care how Biden got the job whereas I 100% su[port the Rule Of Law above anything. Leftie commie Dems have no moral scruples and they dont give a shit who is hurt or how much damage is done to the USA - its the way psychopaths behave.
Seek help
Absolutely. If Mr Trump had committed such criminal fraud and aided and abetted murder and destruction in the way Biden did this election I would never support Trump. Thats the difference between leftie, rotten slime commies and me. They dont care how Biden got the job whereas I 100% su[port the Rule Of Law above anything. Leftie commie Dems have no moral scruples and they dont give a shit who is hurt or how much damage is done to the USA - its the way psychopaths behave.

I'll be waiting for BLM to march down my street, and ventilate them when they do. I'm not going to where they are, but they damn sure better not come around here.

Homie ain't playin' that.

Don't worry. I doubt they have interest in your specific trailer park.