Trump Hating Group #1: "The Weak Sister Crowd." These are the whiners and crybabies who got their noses out of joint when Trump released
a "mean" tweet that brought tears to their eyes. They're the, "Trump said boo to the---(insert target group here), and
I'm not going to vote for him" brainiacs.
Trump Hating Group #2: Are the Deep Swamp critters who benefit off the U.S. Feral Gruberment's largesse. The Corrupocrats like Nancy Pelosi,
who start wars and crisis's and then profit off them via the military-industrial complex stock portfolios. "Never let a good
crisis go to waste."
Trump came in and had to fight Never Trumpers and Democrats by fighting a hostile and corrupt congress, and corrupt inside traders like Pelosi, a
hostile Deep State of MIC, CIA, lobbyists, and FBI bums, a morally bankrupt and evil Fake News crowd, the greedy and ignorant UN/NATO Euros,
and a legion of D.C. politicians so steeped in corruption, lies, and overt scumbaggery that our Founding Fathers would be in despair.
President Trump is Responsible for:
1. More Americans were employed during his tenure than ever before in our history.
2. African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates all reached record lows.
3. Medium household income rose $61,372 in 2017, a post recession high.
4. Trump stayed government imposed red tape with his massive deregulation actions.
5. Trump signed into law biggest tax cuts and reforms in U.S. history.
6. He secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction. Later, after Trump left, congress couldn't find the money to finish building the wall, but
they did find over $100 billion U.S. tax dollars to protect Ukraine's border.
7. No new wars under Trump. Trump is the most military and veteran-friendly President we have had since Ronald Reagan.
It should be noted that Trump was the first president to not only refuse a salary, but donated it to various salaries.
One quick note about Trump donating his salary to various charities: It's quite different than how Joe Biden was able to amass tens of millions of dollars on a VP and presidential salaries. Hello Hunter, and Hello The BIG GUY!