Two Groups of Trump Haters despite Trump Most Successful Modern President

Trump told the J-6 protestors to go there peacefully and patriotically. Does that sound like someone who had organized a coup attempt?

Trump said that as the last words after he has several speakers talk about violence and attacking the capitol. He stirred them up to violence and then made a quick disclaimer as they were on the way to his insurrection. Read the whole speech. Then read the other ones. Then read the organizing messages. Trump organized that insurrection over a few weeks. His people paid for it too.
Trump Hating Group #1: "The Weak Sister Crowd." These are the whiners and crybabies who got their noses out of joint when Trump released
a "mean" tweet that brought tears to their eyes. They're the, "Trump said boo to the---(insert target group here), and
I'm not going to vote for him" brainiacs.

Trump Hating Group #2: Are the Deep Swamp critters who benefit off the U.S. Feral Gruberment's largesse. The Corrupocrats like Nancy Pelosi,
who start wars and crisis's and then profit off them via the military-industrial complex stock portfolios. "Never let a good
crisis go to waste."

Trump came in and had to fight Never Trumpers and Democrats by fighting a hostile and corrupt congress, and corrupt inside traders like Pelosi, a
hostile Deep State of MIC, CIA, lobbyists, and FBI bums, a morally bankrupt and evil Fake News crowd, the greedy and ignorant UN/NATO Euros,
and a legion of D.C. politicians so steeped in corruption, lies, and overt scumbaggery that our Founding Fathers would be in despair.

President Trump is Responsible for:

1. More Americans were employed during his tenure than ever before in our history.
2. African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates all reached record lows.
3. Medium household income rose $61,372 in 2017, a post recession high.
4. Trump stayed government imposed red tape with his massive deregulation actions.
5. Trump signed into law biggest tax cuts and reforms in U.S. history.
6. He secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction. Later, after Trump left, congress couldn't find the money to finish building the wall, but
they did find over $100 billion U.S. tax dollars to protect Ukraine's border.
7. No new wars under Trump. Trump is the most military and veteran-friendly President we have had since Ronald Reagan.

It should be noted that Trump was the first president to not only refuse a salary, but donated it to various salaries.

One quick note about Trump donating his salary to various charities: It's quite different than how Joe Biden was able to amass tens of millions of dollars on a VP and presidential salaries. Hello Hunter, and Hello The BIG GUY!

Trump certainly had his work cut out for him. It's truly amazing how much he accomplished despite the visceral hatred from the Democrats. You make a solid case in designating these two groups.
LOL. Trump stopped donating his salary in 2020, because the dude is going broke.
No, because he was leaving office. Trump never went broke.
You could list 'accomplishments' for Trump until you were blue in the face.
That he could. Trump had a long list of accomplishments.
He attempted a coup. Full stop.
He never did. You are describing DEMOCRATS. DEMOCRATS conducted the coup, so far successful. Inversion fallacy.
That makes him the worst President in history.
You are describing FDR and Biden, both Democrats. Inversion fallacy.
I don't need to go any further in talking about the damage he did the country and its institutions,
....such as?? Void argument fallacy.
but his treason is enough.
Trump committed no treason. Biden has committed it several times, though:
* he gave weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* he seized authority unlawfully.
* he has called for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* he has has and is still encouraging foreign invasion.

Obviously, you are a traitor as well, since you believe he was a great President. I have no time for traitors like you.
Inversion fallacy.
Trump didn't stop donating his salary. What a foolish remark from you. Trump didn't attempt any coup. What another stupid remark. Trump is by far our greatest modern day president simply because of all of his American favored accomplishments. Trump did zero damage to our country. The LEFT has damaged everything about our country, and its the LEFT that has corrupted any and almost all of our higher institutions--from the FBI to our government. Where the hell have you been these past two + years? The LEFT is
populated with nothing but traitors with biden being the #1 traitor by not doing his f**king job in securing our Southern border. The LEFT is populated with cancel culture traitors, race hustlers/baiters, police haters to max, which means their traitors to our Constitution and to our American values. Wake the f**k up!

Looks like you're a member of both of the Trump hating groups. Congrats!

Quite right. Democrats discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They conducted the coup (so far successful) and INSTALLED Biden as Chief Puppet (the real power is Obama, effectively running a 3rd term).
He did both.

As for the coup, he incited a riot at the capitol with the goal of preventing the certification of Joe Bidens election. He actually intended show up after his supporters had bashed the heads of a few cops and threatened the lives of everyone in Congress so he could bask in his successful coup. Didn't work out well for him, but just because he failed (he fails at everything) it doesn't mean he didn't try.


Trump did not incite any riot. DEMOCRATS DID. Ray Epps, for example, was operating on support of the DEMOCRATS.
It was DEMOCRATS that conducted the coup. It is so far successful. They have effectively converted the former federal government into an oligarchy.
It was DEMOCRATS attacking cops, just like they did in almost every city!
#TRE45ON's tax returns show that he donated nothing, you poor deluded fool. As for the rest of your post:


Quite right. Democrats discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They conducted the coup (so far successful) and INSTALLED Biden as Chief Puppet (the real power is Obama, effectively running a 3rd term).

Biden won a fair and honest election. Trump tried to overthrow the government. Trump organized an insurrection and will eventually pay for his many crimes. You are using an inversion fallacy.
LOL. Trump stopped donating his salary in 2020, because the dude is going broke. You could list 'accomplishments' for Trump until you were blue in the face. He attempted a coup. Full stop. That makes him the worst President in history. I don't need to go any further in talking about the damage he did the country and its institutions, but his treason is enough. Obviously, you are a traitor as well, since you believe he was a great President. I have no time for traitors like you.

Trump made over 5 million dollars on his Washington DC hotel- WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE- and the tax payers paid over 100's of millions of dollars flying his fat ass down to Marry-A-Lardo so he could have money raising events, and play golf with his Ass-kissing political Ticks- mostly every weekend of his tenure.

Why would he care about his presidential salary? And, his daughter and his son-in-law did not hesitate to draw their WHITE HOUSE SALARIES for 4 years while they were also using their office to make money for themselves.

And now we learn he refused to pay his taxes while in the White House while hiding behind his executive privileges while abusing them, far exceeded his salary he would have made in his 4 years in office!

The reason why he didn't accept his Presidential Salary was because he thought he wouldn't have to file an Individual or Joint Tax Return. But, that was not the case. His lawyers advised him that was not the case come tax deadline time. Both John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover donated their presidential salaries to charitable causes.
But they still had to file a tax return and prove it.

Where did Trump's salary actually go?...

So, all this talk about Trump refusing to keep his presidential salary, is one of the hugest tax scams in modern American Presidential or Criminal history!

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I rate Trump as average. Obama, likewise. Biden, below average. Clinton, above average except when it comes to corruption where he's a bottom feeder.
Trump was a pretend prez. H was the golfer-in-chief. He inherited a vibrant and growing economy from Obama who had to fix Bush's near 2nd great depression. Trump completely blew Covid. He tried to destroy NATO and split from our long-term allies and cozy up to dictators. He tried to put justice under him, breaking the walls between the branches. He did the same with the Supremes installing people who pledged loyalty to him. Jr said the 2nd term, he was going to make the FBI work for him.
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Biden won a fair and honest election. Trump tried to overthrow the government. Trump organized an insurrection and will eventually pay for his many crimes. You are using an inversion fallacy.

Fallacy fallacy. Mockery. Discard of logic. LIF. Grow up. There was no election in 2020. Trump didn't try to overthrow anything. Trump did not organize any insurrection. He has committed no crime. DEMOCRATS conducted the coup, so far successful. Inversion fallacy.
Trump made over 5 million dollars on his Washington DC hotel- WHILE HE WAS IN OFFICE
- and the tax payers paid over 100's of millions of dollars flying his fat ass down to Marry-A-Lardo so he could have money raising events, and play golf with his Ass-kissing political Ticks- mostly every weekend of his tenure.
So? Obama and Biden do the same kind of thing.
Why would he care about his presidential salary? And, his daughter and his son-in-law did not hesitate to draw their WHITE HOUSE SALARIES for 4 years while they were also using their office to make money for themselves.

And now we learn he refused to pay his taxes while in the White House while hiding behind his executive privileges while abusing them, far exceeded his salary he would have made in his 4 years in office!

The reason why he didn't accept his Presidential Salary was because he thought he wouldn't have to file an Individual or Joint Tax Return. But, that was not the case. His lawyers advised him that was not the case come tax deadline time. Both John F. Kennedy and Herbert Hoover donated their presidential salaries to charitable causes.
But they still had to file a tax return and prove it.

Where did Trump's salary actually go?...

So, all this talk about Trump refusing to keep his presidential salary, is one of the hugest tax scams in modern American Presidential or Criminal history!

Trump was a pretend prez.
Nope. He was a real President, elected and everything.
He was the golfer-in-chief.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing Obama.
He inherited a vibrant and growing economy from Obama
There wasn't one. The economic depression that started in 2008 lasted for 9 years. Trump finally ended it.
who had to fix Bush's near 2nd great depression.
There wasn't one.
Trump completely blew Covid.
No. DEMOCRATS did. DEMOCRATS shut down the economy over fear mongering of covid19. That begin ANOTHER economic depression that is still ongoing.
He tried to destroy NATO
Nope. He successfully got NATO to finally pay it's bills.
and split from our long-term allies and cozy up to dictators.
Nope. Dictators tend to like DEMOCRATS.
He tried to put justice under him, breaking the walls between the branches.
Nope. CONGRESS tried to do this. It was Pelosi, a DEMOCRAT, that tried to boss the Senate around, and tried to boss the President around, and tried to boss the Supreme Court around.
He did the same with the Supremes installing people who pledged loyalty to him.
He didn't. The SENATE does that.
Jr said the 2nd term, he was going to make the FBI work for him.
The FBI DOES work for the President. They are part of the executive branch, dumbass!
Trump Hating Group #1: "The Weak Sister Crowd." These are the whiners and crybabies who got their noses out of joint when Trump released
a "mean" tweet that brought tears to their eyes. They're the, "Trump said boo to the---(insert target group here), and
I'm not going to vote for him" brainiacs.

Trump Hating Group #2: Are the Deep Swamp critters who benefit off the U.S. Feral Gruberment's largesse. The Corrupocrats like Nancy Pelosi,
who start wars and crisis's and then profit off them via the military-industrial complex stock portfolios. "Never let a good
crisis go to waste."

Trump came in and had to fight Never Trumpers and Democrats by fighting a hostile and corrupt congress, and corrupt inside traders like Pelosi, a
hostile Deep State of MIC, CIA, lobbyists, and FBI bums, a morally bankrupt and evil Fake News crowd, the greedy and ignorant UN/NATO Euros,
and a legion of D.C. politicians so steeped in corruption, lies, and overt scumbaggery that our Founding Fathers would be in despair.

President Trump is Responsible for:

1. More Americans were employed during his tenure than ever before in our history.
2. African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates all reached record lows.
3. Medium household income rose $61,372 in 2017, a post recession high.
4. Trump stayed government imposed red tape with his massive deregulation actions.
5. Trump signed into law biggest tax cuts and reforms in U.S. history.
6. He secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction. Later, after Trump left, congress couldn't find the money to finish building the wall, but
they did find over $100 billion U.S. tax dollars to protect Ukraine's border.
7. No new wars under Trump. Trump is the most military and veteran-friendly President we have had since Ronald Reagan.

It should be noted that Trump was the first president to not only refuse a salary, but donated it to various salaries.

One quick note about Trump donating his salary to various charities: It's quite different than how Joe Biden was able to amass tens of millions of dollars on a VP and presidential salaries. Hello Hunter, and Hello The BIG GUY!

President Trump is Responsible for:

1. More Americans were employed during his tenure than ever before in our history. NOT TRUE
2. African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates all reached record lows. NOT TRUE
3. Medium household income rose $61,372 in 2017, a post recession high. BULLSHIT NOT TRUE
4. Trump stayed government imposed red tape with his massive deregulation actions. TRUE AND FUCKED UP THE ECONOMY EVEN MORE
5. Trump signed into law biggest tax cuts and reforms in U.S. history. NOT TRUE
6. He secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction. Later, after Trump left, congress couldn't find the money to finish building the wall, but
they did find over $100 billion U.S. tax dollars to protect Ukraine's border. KEEP DREAMING YOU IDIOT
7. No new wars under Trump. Trump is the most military and veteran-friendly President we have had since Ronald Reagan. NOT TRUE

It should be noted that Trump was the first president to not only refuse a salary, but donated it to various salaries. YOUR TOO STUPID FOR FACTS, TRUMP DONATED NOTHING, NOT A GOT DAMN THING AND IT WAS PROVEN WITH TAX RELEASE