Two people who need to stop making movies


Uwaa OmO
M Night Shyamalan

He has one decent movie (The 6th Sense) which wasn't all that good. I'd rate it a C+ at best. Then we have his more recent films. Lady in the Water? WTF? The Happening? Trees are killing us somehow. Signs? Yeah, fuck no. And his biggest crime. Last Air Bender. He took an AMAZING idea and fucked it the fuck up.

And our next contestant....
George Lucas

I don't think I need to mention anything other than the Starwars prequels for this to make sense.

That's all.
thought you were going to play it safe but you are really on the edge with these two suggestions
Thought I WAS playing it safe. M. Night sucks. And Lucas is a hack and also sucks. I could have went with James Cameron because of Avatar, but I give everyone a lil leeway.
Let's have the same conversation when Avatar IV is released.

I didn't so much mean sequels as I meant movies as shitty as Avatar. Obviously, Cameron has made great action films such as T2, and great dramatic films such as Titanic in the past. I've never seen Aliens, but that is regarded as great sci-fi horror.
I didn't so much mean sequels as I meant movies as shitty as Avatar. Obviously, Cameron has made great action films such as T2, and great dramatic films such as Titanic in the past. I've never seen Aliens, but that is regarded as great sci-fi horror.
The first two Alien(s) movies were good, but after that...

Same with T1&2. He runs a series waaaayyyy too long.

Actually, now that I think of it, he's making his way to #3 on this list.
The first two Alien(s) movies were good, but after that...

Same with T1&2. He runs a series waaaayyyy too long.

Actually, now that I think of it, he's making his way to #3 on this list.

I'm pretty certain he had nothing to do with the Terminator Salvation movie, at least. T3 wasn't really all that bad, though it was no classic. As for the Alien movies, Ridley Scott helmed the original, and I think they used a different director for each sequal, Cameron being the next in line. In a sense, Aliens is not "Cameron's" in the same way that the Terminators, Titanic, and Avatar are his.
I'm pretty certain he had nothing to do with the Terminator Salvation movie, at least. T3 wasn't really all that bad, though it was no classic. As for the Alien movies, Ridley Scott helmed the original, and I think they used a different director for each sequal, Cameron being the next in line. In a sense, Aliens is not "Cameron's" in the same way that the Terminators, Titanic, and Avatar are his.
Hmmm.... I'll keep my eye on him....
Ehhh, I think it is very difficult for artists to be both prolific and consistently good. Even the greatest are going to turn out a couple duds.
I didn't so much mean sequels as I meant movies as shitty as Avatar. Obviously, Cameron has made great action films such as T2, and great dramatic films such as Titanic in the past. I've never seen Aliens, but that is regarded as great sci-fi horror.

T2 was a great movie??

No...the ORIGINAL Terminator was a GREAT movie...the sequel was just a big buck summer blockbuster with lots of explosions.

You don't like Avatar, but you pick that pablum as one of Cameron's greats?

And whats this about never having seen Aliens? You are automatically unqualified to comment on great movies if you haven't seen Aliens...the second greatest sequel ever made.