Two Political Architects that has some success for a while.


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Herr Albert Speer


Herr Karl Rove

I must admit this is a total troll but after watching Chris Wallace on The Daily Show the other night and heard him refer to Rove as "The Architect" Speer just jumped into my brain.
Well there has always been those rumors that Hitler's father was jewish so ...Maybe? But I don't know if Schickelgruber is a jewish name or not.
untermensch is german for sub-human. Hitler thought jews were untermensch. This is not lawyer douchery. It is simple History that is learned usually in the 11th grade by people who read more than the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other anti-semetic trash that tries to paint the Jews as some evil force. I keep expecting you to talk about Jews eating a Christian child during passover and how they have horns.