Two Questions For Trump Haters


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Two Questions For Trump Haters

What is freedom?

1. Do you value freedom?

2. What is freedom worth to you?
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Trump is resonsible for the worst attack on the American experiment since the War of 1812. He organized and urged an attack on the nation's capitol. He is clearly the worst threat to our freedom since the Civil War. His attack was capable of overthrowing the government. If you value America and freedom, flee from Trump.
Trump is resonsible for the worst attack on the American experiment since the War of 1812. He organized and urged an attack on the nation's capitol. He is clearly the worst threat to our freedom since the Civil War. His attack was capable of overthrowing the government. If you value America and freedom, flee from Trump.

Well said. Trump is a traitor and enemy of the United States.
I saw the original post through a quote.

I have no value whatsoever for the trumpanzee concept of "freedom."
It's worth nothing to me, whether we're talking about yours or mine.

As for what "freedom" means to sane people, there's nothing to be gained trying to discuss it with the insane.
I saw the original post through a quote.

I have no value whatsoever for the trumpanzee concept of "freedom."
It's worth nothing to me, whether we're talking about yours or mine.

As for what "freedom" means to sane people, there's nothing to be gained trying to discuss it with the insane.

If you think a President organizing a violent overthrow of the government is freedom, then you are insane.
Two Questions For Trump Haters

1. Do you value freedom?

2. What is freedom worth to you?

Yes, and everything.

I have seen many freedoms eroded during my lifetime. Just wish I could roll it all back so future America could have the freedoms I had. People before me had even more.

They do not understand these days because they never had those freedoms.

Everybody is chained to a phone to interact with the world. What kind of freedom is that when everything you do is determined by Google and Apple as predetermined in the OS of their phones? There are other options.

I once called the police because there was a phone assault in my apartment. They demanded I call the police, both of them.

She hit him in the head with the phone. It left a nasty bump. Assault with phone was aggravated battery in those days.

The phone didn't break. His head? Looked like it hurt.

That was after 2002, even. Before that people lost a lot of freedoms.

"The Patriot Act Act". W. Bush was a traitor globalist. His granddaddy financed the Nazis for WW2.
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If you think a President organizing a violent overthrow of the government is freedom, then you are insane.

No argument from me, BP.

The voters can legally overthrow the government on election day.
If it doesn't happen, then there's next election day.
You just don't get to refuse to accept the latest one.

Nobody has fewer excuses for insurrection that a nation with free elections.
Note which side is trying to set up voter suppression.
No argument from me, BP.

The voters can legally overthrow the government on election day.
If it doesn't happen, then there's next election day.
You just don't get to refuse to accept the latest one.

Nobody has fewer excuses for insurrection that a nation with free elections.
Note which side is trying to set up voter suppression.

The GOP is sticking with Trump being rightfully elected. They continue to be a danger to our nation.
No argument from me, BP.

The voters can legally overthrow the government on election day.
If it doesn't happen, then there's next election day.
You just don't get to refuse to accept the latest one.

Nobody has fewer excuses for insurrection that a nation with free elections.
Note which side is trying to set up voter suppression.


You have the self awareness of a turnip.

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