The Dirty Old Commie getting the nomination will do more against Socialism/Communism should Senile Joe Biden become the nominee. Every Democrat in high places knows that President Trump is going to savage the Democrat Party’s candidate. There are landslides, and there are blowouts, then there is deliberating sending a candidate out to be slaughtered. Biden and Sanders were on the road to the slaughterhouse the day they decided they could defeat President Trump.
Both are Socialists. The Dirty Old Commie admits it, while Senile Joe practiced it since the day he first ran for the Senate in 1972. Either one is going to get slaughtered in the general election. Media is pulling out all stops for Biden.
If I had my druthers I would give Sanders the nomination for these reasons.
1. First and foremost, whatever television mouths want is bad for the country.
2. Sanders’ defeat will do irreparable harm to Socialism/Communism in this country.
3. Biden’s defeat does no harm to Socialism/Communism because media mouths devoted decades to fixing it so that Americans do not think of him as a Socialist.