All my life, I thought in the end, the Supreme Court would save us from our much lower-level politicians and resist what deeply slanted people wanted. We put highly qualified, educated, and experienced people on the court. There were exceptions, but I took solace in thinking as a group, they would get it right.
Then the court was targeted to make it responsive to the politicians and the powerful. I did not think they could, but they did capture it. The court is a badly degraded institution that may never get salvaged.
This was not an accident. Powerful and wealthy people figured out how important it was and how they could control it. They funded the Federalist Society whose function was to remake all the courts so they would do as they wanted.
They track potential judges from law school onward. They learn all about them and see if they can move them how they want. They teach them to not answer questions, even under oath. So to the people, we seat people we know little about without having a clue they were picked and groomed by the elite right-wingers. The plutocrats are winning. Perhaps, they have already won.