Two versions of Dubya’s Yale grades


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Grades publicly released for George W. Bush at Yale (1964-1968) apparently differ from grade records for Bush stored in his residential hall on campus. The published grades are better than the grades stored in earlier records.

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Jeesh... Is NewsBoy still trying to make a case for Kerry's supposed joke that made no sense? Because most people have already made up their minds on that, it's old news. I thought this NewsBot thing was supposed to be fair and objective, and it seems that NewsBoy is a little on the partisan liberal side.

It's sort of like Desh, on meth!
newsboy takes feeds from a site called

Stories on digg are user submitted. Digg's userbase does tend to lean sligithly liberal these days which means more stories of a liberal nature are promoted to the front page, but newsbot doesn't know the difference.
So newboy is useless as a valid news source. Here it references a blog. Not all that factual is it?
Hence the reason that Digg is on Whatever goes rather than the more serious area of the forum. Don't take it all so seriously there, tobes.
newsboy takes feeds from a site called

Stories on digg are user submitted. Digg's userbase does tend to lean sligithly liberal these days which means more stories of a liberal nature are promoted to the front page, but newsbot doesn't know the difference.

Come on, be quiet Grind. Let him argue with the newsbot. It keeps him busy. He's probably waiting for an answer so he can post a two page dissertation in "rebuttal". Why ruin it?
Jeesh... Is NewsBoy still trying to make a case for Kerry's supposed joke that made no sense? Because most people have already made up their minds on that, it's old news. I thought this NewsBot thing was supposed to be fair and objective, and it seems that NewsBoy is a little on the partisan liberal side.

It's sort of like Desh, on meth!

I think he's trying to rile you up Dixie. I hope you're not going to take this lying down. Have Damo set up a warriors thread so you can debate newsbot mano to mano.
Well, if true, this blows Damo's comments on Kerry having no reason to be joking about Bush being dumb when it turns out that Bush REALLY DIDN'T have better college grades than Kerry.... it actually makes more sense, knowing the Bush that we know as President is dumb as a rock..... ;) Coniving, deceiving, misleading....the man of the one liners...Bush can ACE....but that's about it imo.
Now who would trust those other grades that a liberal school has hidden. Just another lib attempt at history revisionism.
Libs love to lie and distort the truth. Why do they need to debate grades? Or lie about them? Just more distraction and distortion. Yes newsboy is useless as a real news source for using Digg. A bloggers comments are not factual just opinion.
Well, if true, this blows Damo's comments on Kerry having no reason to be joking about Bush being dumb when it turns out that Bush REALLY DIDN'T have better college grades than Kerry.... it actually makes more sense, knowing the Bush that we know as President is dumb as a rock..... ;) Coniving, deceiving, misleading....the man of the one liners...Bush can ACE....but that's about it imo.
LOL. Right, blogodork has more info than Rather? Come on, Care. Think a little at least. The newsies would be all on this like white on rice if there were real evidence.
LOL. Right, blogodork has more info than Rather? Come on, Care. Think a little at least. The newsies would be all on this like white on rice if there were real evidence.
Yep just like they were all over the protesters in Iraq about Sadams conviction ?