Two versions of Dubya’s Yale grades

Yeah I wonder too, but I think our thought processes are hitting this from different angles ;)
I'm thinking that if Fox mentioned it, so did CNN and this is all pretense. How are you looking at it? That the pretense is supposedly true?

In fact I saw the reports on CNN in the areas where they were protesting the verdict. It even talked about how they felt left out of the current government and other things that were salient to the subject. So, pretending that the newsies didn't mention these people is an attempt to get me to believe that Bush somehow directs the news? Come on.... If that were so, we'd all believe that there were WMD there.
If that were so, we'd all believe that there were WMD there.

And the majority of us did for quite some time and about 30% still do. So I think that sort of proves my point.
If that were so, we'd all believe that there were WMD there.

And the majority of us did for quite some time and about 30% still do. So I think that sort of proves my point.
No. It doesn't. It was consistently reported when the WMD were not found. That some still believe that there were has nothing to do with the newsies. This gets repetitive. Clearly Bush doesn't control the media, if he did we would believe that there were WMD there as he would simply tell them to report it as such. They reported the opposite because it is true. It is pitiful to hear people attempt to say Bush somehow controls the media when it is so clear that he does not.
What you are talikng about was later after the war was in progress. Up till then the mainstream media just repeated bush talking points.
What you are talikng about was later after the war was in progress. Up till then the mainstream media just repeated bush talking points.
Right... We didn't hear about Blix's call for more time? Rubbish. We didn't hear how Blix thought there were likely no WMD? Rubbish.

We heard many, many things that were not Bush talking points. This is an attempt to make things look how you want them, but they simply aren't this way. The media reported many things negative to Bush at that time.
Well some media "reported " them in a very poor manner, belittling them as irrelevent or just liberal whine.
Well some media "reported " them in a very poor manner, belittling them as irrelevent or just liberal whine.
No, that was editorial shows. How is it that people get those confused? Honestly. This stuff is reported, it wasn't pretend. I remember it.

I refuse to sit here and let y'all pretend that the stories weren't there. Shoot, I remember thread after thread all about them. This "Bush controls the media" garbage is such total hogwash, easily shown to be false. If it were true there would be no stories for y'all to link to on this site!
Yeah most of those postings were decried as being from liberal rags and such by the cons on here and on FP and old And they were primarially from liberal leaning publicatins, because only they would carry them.
It is clear you and I have very differing opinions on the state of the media in the USA and we will reamin that way Damo. time will prove one or the other of us correct, or quite possibly both of us partially correct.