Two ways a nation falls apart.

We dont know.

YOU don't know. YOU cannot speak for everyone.

The 'federal' government's financial problems are due to government overspending and expansion.
That's not China's fault. It's the 'federal' government's fault!
The Federal Reserve was created by the federal government. The inflation caused by printing money so fast is caused by the federal government (Congress).

China has nothing to do with it.
The nation was fine under Trump

It’s falling apart under Biden

While it was certainly a lot better, it was far from fine. The federal government was already on it's way to further financial problems. Democrats are certainly hastening it and causing a lot of other problems.
By successfully renegotiating NAFTA into a treaty more favorable to the economy of the U.S., and by removing taxes and laws strangling businesses, there was a lot of growth during the Trump administration. Trump understands business. This resulted in some of the best growth this nation has ever seen.


Democrats were already at work starting their war with the citizens. Violent factions were organized, funded, and supported by Democrats to begin burning, looting, and pillaging cities. When Covid19 was discovered, Democrats seized on the opportunity to fear monger and shut down the fantastic economy under the Trump administration. They forced businesses to close, and those they kept open at all as 'essential' were extremely limited. It was Democrats that started the current economic depression. It was Democrats that did everything they could to block Trump from removing Obama'care' entirely, building more of the wall on the southern border, and persecute Trump in any way they could no matter how baseless (and they still continue to do so).

At least Trump did reveal the Democrats for what they are, and the news media for what they are.

Then came the coup by Democrats, installing Biden as Chief Puppet, and the end of the United States government, having been converted into an oligarchy.

Now the States of America are revolting. Will they be successful in restoring the federal government as a republic? The great people of this nation DO generally uphold the Constitution still.
Life in hell is in the cities, where Democrats have high enough numbers to destroy things, and unchecked crime and looting prevail in the streets.

Their favorite fallacy is to blame what they are on Republicans and Trump. This projection of themselves on others is called an inversion fallacy.

War has begun already, at least in the cities. The Democrats shove their sexual perversions and crime and violence anywhere they can get it. The do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. They have captured California, New York, and finally the federal government. Regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election cycle, it will get worse as Democrats get more polarized and aggressive.
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Inflation has been a worldwide issue, not just in the US, so you cant blame this administration!

Yes I can. The Federal Reserve is controlled by Congress. They are printing money faster than ever, causing inflation. The restrictive and strangling laws passed by Democrats are causing supply chain issues everywhere, fueling inflation.
All fiat currencies inflate, due to the nature of fiat currency itself, but few are inflating as fast as the dollar.

Are other nations being as stupid? Yes. The EU is one good example. So is China.
I agree 100%. Yet to hear *them* tell it, forbidding discrimination, teaching about the not-so-nice parts of American history (like slavery), green energy, electric vehicles, honest journalism, allowing Muslims and atheists to run free, indicting criminals even if they are an ex-IMPOTUSx2, and so on is what will destroy our nation.

Democrats want to return to slavery. It was REPUBLICANS that ended slavery.
Democrats want to create and oligarchy or dictatorship. It is DEMOCRATS interfering with energy and automotive markets.
Democrats run most of the news organizations. It is DEMOCRATS that push the propaganda as 'news'.
Democrats are the racists and bigots.
DEMOCRATS are the ones persecuting Trump on baseless accusations, and have done so for EIGHT YEARS with NOTHING to show for it.
DEMOCRATS are the ones pushing sexual perversions.
DEMOCRATS are the ones that hate children. You kill them, you mutilate them, you indoctrinate them, and they are just pawns to you.
It is DEMOCRATS that Putin supports. Putin is a socialist, like DEMOCRATS.
It is DEMOCRATS that Xi supports. Xi is a socialist, like DEMOCRATS.
It is DEMOCRATS that caused the violence, looting, arson, unchecked homelessness, unchecked violent crime, and turned cities into a living hell.

You don't get to blame YOUR problems on Trump, Republicans, or anybody else. They are YOUR problems.
Yes I can. The Federal Reserve is controlled by Congress. They are printing money faster than ever, causing inflation. The restrictive and strangling laws passed by Democrats are causing supply chain issues everywhere, fueling inflation.
All fiat currencies inflate, due to the nature of fiat currency itself, but few are inflating as fast as the dollar.

Are other nations being as stupid? Yes. The EU is one good example. So is China.

The Republican House is responsible for inflation!
I agree 100%. Yet to hear *them* tell it, forbidding discrimination, teaching about the not-so-nice parts of American history (like slavery), green energy, electric vehicles, honest journalism, allowing Muslims and atheists to run free, indicting criminals even if they are an ex-IMPOTUSx2, and so on is what will destroy our nation.

Question, what are some of the lies told about green energy and electric vehicles? Could you give me a few examples?
External threat or internal threat.

If a foreign nation invades a country, you have literal explosions from bombs.

Internal attacks cause implosion. Like a building collapsing from its own weight.

What Trump and the GOP are doing may be just as bad as Russia invading the United States.

The internal threat is the biggest and republicans will be the ones to cause it. When you have a handful of people making billions and nearly half the population at or close to poverty it's only a matter of time before it snaps. Like the French revolution where the masses had nothing and the priviligeded few had everything they finally said fuck it and revolted. Trashing Versailles and cutting the heads off the royal family. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to not end up with socialism like Russia, Cuba or Venezuela because that is what will appeal to a poverty stricken mass. The right doesn't get it, you can't have a filthy rich 2% and everyone else wondering where they will get dinner for very long.
corruption from outside can cause implosion from the inside, like the ccp paying off the bidens to destroy america from within, with moral degradation, bad green policy, and retarded trade policy.

do you have any evidence of that happenning or is that just something your fucking simple mind would like to believe?
The internal threat is the biggest and republicans will be the ones to cause it. When you have a handful of people making billions and nearly half the population at or close to poverty it's only a matter of time before it snaps. Like the French revolution where the masses had nothing and the priviligeded few had everything they finally said fuck it and revolted. Trashing Versailles and cutting the heads off the royal family. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to not end up with socialism like Russia, Cuba or Venezuela because that is what will appeal to a poverty stricken mass. The right doesn't get it, you can't have a filthy rich 2% and everyone else wondering where they will get dinner for very long.

Canada has socialism. No need to make up extreme cases.
YOU don't know. YOU cannot speak for everyone.

The 'federal' government's financial problems are due to government overspending and expansion.
That's not China's fault. It's the 'federal' government's fault!
The Federal Reserve was created by the federal government. The inflation caused by printing money so fast is caused by the federal government (Congress).

China has nothing to do with it.

We don't know the degree to which the Han are doing a controlled implosion of American, it sure looks like they run Washington.
The Han have perfected the system of paying big money for little work to Americans to front for them, as they direct operations from as deep in the shadows as possible.
Question, what are some of the lies told about green energy and electric vehicles? Could you give me a few examples?

You go first, since I mentioned no lies. I merely stated that MAGATs and other (R)s are against green energy and EVs, among other things. There are plenty of threads and comments on this forum proving that. Some belong to you.
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The internal threat is the biggest and republicans will be the ones to cause it. When you have a handful of people making billions and nearly half the population at or close to poverty it's only a matter of time before it snaps. Like the French revolution where the masses had nothing and the priviligeded few had everything they finally said fuck it and revolted. Trashing Versailles and cutting the heads off the royal family. Hopefully we will be lucky enough to not end up with socialism like Russia, Cuba or Venezuela because that is what will appeal to a poverty stricken mass. The right doesn't get it, you can't have a filthy rich 2% and everyone else wondering where they will get dinner for very long.

That explains why the Reichwing peasants are being and have been groomed to believe that every thing the LW does is evil communism or socialism, even though clearly it is not. WE are the enemy, not the plutocrats.
Isn't it interesting though how Alaskans, who generally vote (R), just love them some socialism?


Of your list, the only one that's mine is this one:

So? The amount they produce is miniscule.
(referring to home solar)

The average home uses about 11,000 kwh per year or about 30 kwh per day,refrigerators and many have more than one

The average-ish natural gas power plant produces about 500 megawatts.

If the average home solar array were producing about 3 to 4 kw (30/24 hours) when operating and feeding 1 to 2 kw, let's say 2, back to the grid then:

It takes 250,000 homes with a solar array putting 2 kw each into the grid to match that one average natural gas plant.

The home solar arrays, only work during the day so at night the natural gas plant would still be necessary to provide electrical power.

Home solar provides a miniscule amount of power and is a total fucking waste of time and money.

Solar and wind are not "renewable." Neither makes more fuel as it runs. Oil is made naturally through a process of diatoms in the ocean dying, sinking to the bottom where they rot into methane that is then buried in sediment over time and heat and pressure within the Earth makes more oil. A renewable process. Nuclear can make more fuel by converting non fissionable elements into fissionable ones like Thorium 232 to Uranium 233.
Our sun isn't a "renewable" source of energy.

Solar, in particular, is not a cheap or "free" source of power. In fact, it remains one of the least efficient and most expensive means to produce electricity there is. I've demonstrated why here more than once.

Yet, the radical Leftist envirotards continue to spread outright lies about energy and its production based on their belief in bullshit.

EV's are another technological dead end. The second a car manufacturer has a viable, working fuel cell, they're finished. The ONLY reason they are currently gaining traction in the market is by government fiat and bribes. If the government wasn't forcing them on consumers, and using huge subsidies, nobody would buy the worthless things. That's a fact.
do you have any evidence of that happenning or is that just something your fucking simple mind would like to believe?

are you aware that biden is placing american fuel off limits to make us use batteries which use metals the ccp has basically cornered the market on?

do you think china benefits when we idiotically outsource all our jobs and production to them?

globalist idiocy is for dumbasses.

The nation was fine under Trump

It’s falling apart under Biden

He killed a vibrant and growing economy that Obama headed over to him. He gave ANOTHER tax cut to wealthy and corporations increasing the debt by 8 trillion. He mishandled the Covid virus badly. He alienated all our long-term allies and snuggled up with like-minded dictators. He is a dumb, dumb man who can do nothing right.
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He killed a vibrant and growing economy that Obama headed over to him. He gave ANOTHER tax cut to wealthy and corporations increasing the debt by 8 trillion. He mishandled the Conid virus badly. He alienated all our long-term allies and snuggled up with like-minded dictators. He is a dumb, dumb man who can do nothing right.

Trump organized the only armed attack on the US Capitol by its own people.