The nation was fine under Trump
It’s falling apart under Biden
While it was certainly a lot better, it was far from fine. The federal government was already on it's way to further financial problems. Democrats are certainly hastening it and causing a lot of other problems.
By successfully renegotiating NAFTA into a treaty more favorable to the economy of the U.S., and by removing taxes and laws strangling businesses, there was a lot of growth during the Trump administration. Trump understands business. This resulted in some of the best growth this nation has ever seen.
Democrats were already at work starting their war with the citizens. Violent factions were organized, funded, and supported by Democrats to begin burning, looting, and pillaging cities. When Covid19 was discovered, Democrats seized on the opportunity to fear monger and shut down the fantastic economy under the Trump administration. They forced businesses to close, and those they kept open at all as 'essential' were extremely limited. It was Democrats that started the current economic depression. It was Democrats that did everything they could to block Trump from removing Obama'care' entirely, building more of the wall on the southern border, and persecute Trump in any way they could no matter how baseless (and they still continue to do so).
At least Trump did reveal the Democrats for what they are, and the news media for what they are.
Then came the coup by Democrats, installing Biden as Chief Puppet, and the end of the United States government, having been converted into an oligarchy.
Now the States of America are revolting. Will they be successful in restoring the federal government as a republic? The great people of this nation DO generally uphold the Constitution still.
Life in hell is in the cities, where Democrats have high enough numbers to destroy things, and unchecked crime and looting prevail in the streets.
Their favorite fallacy is to blame what they are on Republicans and Trump. This projection of themselves on others is called an inversion fallacy.
War has begun already, at least in the cities. The Democrats shove their sexual perversions and crime and violence anywhere they can get it. The do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution. They have captured California, New York, and finally the federal government. Regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election cycle, it will get worse as Democrats get more polarized and aggressive.