Well-known member
Shall we be real, in the real world of the real text of the Constitution?Let's be real, instead of living in a dream world.
The number of days that Congress can override the President's veto is ... all of them. It's entirely up to Congress. When Congress speaks on matters of legislation, the President doesn't get any say whatsoever.The number of times Congress could over ride a presidents veto is tiny,
US Constitution- Article I, Section 1
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Where did you get the idea that the President somehow gets a vote in making legislation, or somehow gets to strongarm Congress into making the legislation he wants?
Now I get it. You want to blame Trump for Democrat overspending. You should have stated this up front.hasn't happened in years, and surely isn't a defense for the $8 trillion deficit Trump ran up.