Why do you continue paying into it then?
Um ... why do you think? I'll give you a hint. It's why I pay all taxes...
Why do you continue paying into it then?
When you withdraw money from your banks savings account, is it the same money you put in?
Did you place a mark on it, so you could identify it, from anyone else's money?
Um ... why do you think? I'll give you a hint. It's why I pay all taxes...
You don't see the difference between withdrawing money from a bank which has money, and government going out with guns (hint to the last question) and getting it from someone else to give you you? Seriously?
But since you object to paying into SS, you have ways to avoid having your money "taken" and given to others.
SS is not a bank.
How is that?
Correct. It's a wealth redistribution scheme and a welfare program. A bank would have assets, not guns.
Social Security would be Jesse James, the "bank" would be taxpayers.
Government taking money from one citizen and giving it to another is robbery. You should read "The Law" by Frédéric Bastiat, it's a great piece
The internet is your friend.
Look up ways to avoid paying into SS.
So you don't have any idea, you're full of shit. got it
So your internet challenged and also inept.
Glad you are able to admit it.![]()
Yes the receipts go to the benefits but that does not mean you didnt pay in. But as Congress keeps exempting special interests from having to follow a formula regarding pay in to pay ot (they are getting fully vested) then yes, taxpayers are on the hook for that shortfall.No one "paid in." There is no money. Government is just taxing current taxpayers to pay ALL checks. Zero was saved. How do even the conservatives not get that.
Everything they paid was spent as it came in, just like for every other tax
I asked you to back up your own crap. you can't, got it
The internet is your friend.
Look up ways to avoid paying into SS.
Yes the receipts go to the benefits but that does not mean you didnt pay in. But as Congress keeps exempting special interests from having to follow a formula regarding pay in to pay ot (they are getting fully vested) then yes, taxpayers are on the hook for that shortfall.
And yes, it was designed from the start to have an increasing pool of pay ins relative to the pool of pay outs. FDR didnt have a plan for when the expansion ceased but was OK with that pretty long kick of a can down the road. So its sorta kinda a pyramid just without the Ponzi part.
Just because I'm not pandering to you, doesn't mean I can support my comment.
It just means that I love allowing those like you, show how ignorant you truly are.
If you don't want to be part of SS, then don't pay into it. The opportunity is there for you to grasp.
Deflection. You made the ridiculous claim, you back it up. Go google it is worthy of a liberal, which you are not
Obviously I can't earn a living and not pay social security taxes. I'm a business owner and spent my career in financial services. If you're offering I live in a shack off the grid, you're just being a liberal
C'mon Kaz; show everyone how intelligent you are, by proving yourself in error.
Unless you just want to admit that you're denying something, you knew nothing about in the first place.![]()
Of course it's a pyramid scheme. Each generation screws the next generation harder than the last generation screws them and it's unsustainable. Even suggest cutting anything and Democrats do commercials of you pushing an old woman in a wheelchair off a cliff. Literally...