Two ways to shield yourself from a violent attack

Everyone that is against guns is a traitor to americas founding ideals. If you anti-gun fascists existed in the colonial days you would be saying "why do we need guns, we have the greatest military protection in the world, only the King and his occupying forces should have guns.." You failures would have stopped the beginning of america dead in it's tracks. And now you claim to be in love and worried for our country, how can you even call yourselves Americans. You disgust me. I truly hate and despise those that would take our guns.
it's a paradise for the very reason that we DO have guns. We love freedom in america. We love being able to say controversial things and not be thrown in jail over it. We love not having surveillance cameras on every corner like they are in the U.K. We love our bill of rights... we love knowing that our country was birthed in REVOLUTION and that we came into existence giving the greatest military power in the world the middle finger.

You on the other hand are just a euro pussy subservient to your government. Of course you don't understand. You are a willing prole, go kiss your queens feet.

Holy shit, I swear that you have morphed into USF!! As for cameras, why would you need them when you will have shedloads of drones overhead instead!! As for freedom, the fact that you have one of the highest per capita jail populations in the world tells me that is specious bullshit!! Over 1 million or 1 in 300 is nothing to be proud of, especially considering that if you are black it is more likely 1 in 50.
it's a paradise for the very reason that we DO have guns. We love freedom in america. We love being able to say controversial things and not be thrown in jail over it. We love not having surveillance cameras on every corner like they are in the U.K. We love our bill of rights... we love knowing that our country was birthed in REVOLUTION and that we came into existence giving the greatest military power in the world the middle finger.

You on the other hand are just a euro pussy subservient to your government. Of course you don't understand. You are a willing prole, go kiss your queens feet.

We also love the fact that the UK sent people here, who they didn't want to associate with, and now we pwn them. :D
Holy shit, I swear that you have morphed into USF!! As for cameras, why would you need them when you will have shedloads of drones overhead instead!! As for freedom, the fact that you have one of the highest per capita jail populations in the world tells me that is specious bullshit!! Over 1 million or 1 in 300 is nothing to be proud of, especially considering that if you are black it is more likely 1 in 50.

Just admit that the British are still pissed that once the US threw off your yoke of oppression, that other countries took note and told you to also get the fuck out. :chesh:
If more guns really did make people safer than the US would aslready be the safest country in the world.
If more guns really did make people safer than the US would aslready be the safest country in the world.

there are plenty of countries with lots of guns that are safe. our problem is a cultural and a health one. not a gun one.
I have asked this question before but never really had an answer. If the US is such a paradise and free an' all, why do so many people feel the need to have guns to protect themselves? During WW2, millions of British servicemen used weapons yet after the war they handed them all back.

Remember when we rebelled against your king and kicked his greedy corporations out of our country? You didn't.
I have asked this question before but never really had an answer. If the US is such a paradise and free an' all, why do so many people feel the need to have guns to protect themselves? During WW2, millions of British servicemen used weapons yet after the war they handed them all back.
The US is no longer a paradise of freedom, but we continually fight for it everday. the inevitable result is going to be that the statists will make a decision to confiscate, then the real killing starts. and your millions of british servicemen need to be reminded of where most of those guns came from.....US.