Two Word State Of The Union Address


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Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth finally said something worthwhile. Submit the State of the Union Address in writing:

Don Junior fails to see the gift Nutso offered:

Donald Trump, Jr. slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for trying to get President Donald Trump to delay his State of the Union address as the government shutdown continues, in an exclusive statement to The Daily Caller.

Don Jr: Pelosi ‘Terrified’ To Let American People Hear Trump ‘Unfiltered’
10:45 AM 01/16/2019

Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note. The more he says the more Democrats can lie about. In short: Democrats will play hell lying about two words:

No borders.

Nailing Democrats for no borders in a brief written message is all the more reason to go back to Thomas Jefferson:

For more than a century, the State of the Union was delivered to Congress in writing rather than in a speech before a joint session of Congress. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address—or “Annual Message” if you prefer—in person and in New York. (It was the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.) John Adams did likewise during his one term in office. Thomas Jefferson, however, abandoned the in-person speech for the written message, perhaps because he wasn’t a great public speaker. The practice of a written message persisted until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson revived the practice of giving a speech. Ever since FDR, presidents have almost always used speeches rather than written messages to fulfill their constitutional obligation to inform Congress about the State of the Union.

In any event the State of the Union Address delivered in person has become a television extravaganza engineered to make Republican presidents look bad —— while it makes Democrat presidents shine like Moses:


Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth finally said something worthwhile. Submit the State of the Union Address in writing:

Don Junior fails to see the gift Nutso offered:

Donald Trump, Jr. slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for trying to get President Donald Trump to delay his State of the Union address as the government shutdown continues, in an exclusive statement to The Daily Caller.

Don Jr: Pelosi ‘Terrified’ To Let American People Hear Trump ‘Unfiltered’
10:45 AM 01/16/2019

Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note. The more he says the more Democrats can lie about. In short: Democrats will play hell lying about two words:

No borders.

Nailing Democrats for no borders in a brief written message is all the more reason to go back to Thomas Jefferson:

For more than a century, the State of the Union was delivered to Congress in writing rather than in a speech before a joint session of Congress. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address—or “Annual Message” if you prefer—in person and in New York. (It was the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.) John Adams did likewise during his one term in office. Thomas Jefferson, however, abandoned the in-person speech for the written message, perhaps because he wasn’t a great public speaker. The practice of a written message persisted until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson revived the practice of giving a speech. Ever since FDR, presidents have almost always used speeches rather than written messages to fulfill their constitutional obligation to inform Congress about the State of the Union.

In any event the State of the Union Address delivered in person has become a television extravaganza engineered to make Republican presidents look bad —— while it makes Democrat presidents shine like Moses:


Or he could on live TV and say two words that would cause liberal heads to explode:

Nailing Democrats for no borders in a brief written message is all the more reason to go back to Thomas Jefferson:

The key to understanding what the SOTU was meant to address in the first place can be found in its Article II constitutional wording, which states that the president “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” Accordingly, early presidents concentrated on the nuts-and-bolts of government, including budget requests, the general economy, and other mundane matters.

Take This SOTU and Shove It
By Michael Walsh| January 16th, 2019

If President is foolish enough to deliver the SOTU in person he should take the podium, turn and look Nutso right in the eye —— then shove the SOTU where the sun never shines. Then turn and walkout after delivering 23 words:

The State of the Union is in good shape economically.

The State of the Union is in bad shape on our Southern border.

Obama Knowingly Allowed MS-13 Gangs In

Did Obama tell Nutso that MS-13 gang members who are in this country illegally pose a security threat?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter Wednesday to the White House asking for a postponement of the annual State of the Union address, citing congressional security concerns because of “hamstrung” security agencies on account of the government shutdown. The letter read, in part:

The U.S. Secret Service was designated as the lead federal agency responsible for coordinating, planning, exercising, and implementing security for National Special Security Events. However, both the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] have not been funded for 26 days now — with critical departments hamstrung by furloughs. Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th.

Secret Service Official: Pelosi Never Contacted Us For Security Plan Before Canceling Trump Speech
Benny Johnson
4:29 PM 01/16/2019
Did Obama tell Nutso that MS-13 gang members who are in this country illegally pose a security threat?

It occurred to me that Nutso wanted to get out of town for security reasons —— her own. Thankfully, the commander in chief kept her in town along with all of those AWOL Democrat in order to help fend off a possible attack by illegal aliens:


Nutso should have been grounded years ago. She treats the House like she is the landlady, but she no authority to treat Air Force planes as her personal property:

It reads like a dream order for a wild frat party: Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey … and Corona beer.

But that single receipt makes up just part of the more than $101,000 taxpayers paid for “in-flight services” – including food and liquor, for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trips on Air Force jets over the last two years. That’s almost $1,000 per week.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by Judicial Watch, which investigates and prosecutes government corruption, show Pelosi incurred expenses of some $2.1 million for her use of Air Force jets for travel over that time.

“Speaker Pelosi has a history of wasting taxpayer funds with her boorish demands for military travel,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said today. “And these documents suggest the Speaker’s congressional delegations are more about partying than anything else.”

Pelosi, D-Calif., recently joined President Obama on a Judicial Watch list of Top 10 corrupt politicians because of her “sense of entitlement,” the group said.

“Politicians believe laws and rules (even the U.S. Constitution) apply to the rest of us but not to them. Case in point: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her excessive and boorish demands for military travel. Judicial Watch obtained documents from the Pentagon in 2008 that suggest Pelosi has been treating the Air Force like her own personal airline,” the evaluation said.

And WND reported almost a year ago that Pelosi was shown to have been erratically canceling and rescheduling flights, as one would with an on-call taxi service.

“We have … folks prepping the jets and crews driving in (not a short drive for some), cooking meals and preflighting the jets etc,” said one Department of Defense e-mail then.

Taxpayers' $101,000 includes Pelosi's in-flight 'food, booze'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 01/29/2010 @ 12:20 am

On the bright side Nutso is not the power she used to be. She is no longer the rising star she was years before she became speaker the first time. Even better than the loss of her star image she has been exposed as a fool too many times to ever again be taken seriously.

p.s. No swamp creature should use the Air Force for anything. Let politicians get their wealthy donors pick up the travel tab since they get the most from the people they put in office.
I hope Nutso Nancy knows the difference between the commander in chief wife’s security and members of Congress using Air Force planes to pay for junkets.

Melania Trump reportedly took a military plane to Florida, hours after Trump canceled Nancy Pelosi's flight because of the shutdown
Bill Bostock (
Jan 18th 2019 9:18AM

Incidentally, congressional junkets wear many disguises, but the real reason global busybodies use Air Force planes is that it does not cost them a penny to meet with foreign leaders in order to promote democracy. The sad part is the millions of tax dollars paying for junkets every year is a mere bagatelle compared to the tens of billions of foreign aid tax dollars paying to build the gallows that will hang this country.

As a bonus congressional degenerates on so-called fact-finding junkets can engage in their sexual perversions far from prying eyes. (The protection of a foreign government is a lot better than abusing children on a privately owned island.)
Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth finally said something worthwhile. Submit the State of the Union Address in writing:

Don Junior fails to see the gift Nutso offered:

Donald Trump, Jr. slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for trying to get President Donald Trump to delay his State of the Union address as the government shutdown continues, in an exclusive statement to The Daily Caller.

Don Jr: Pelosi ‘Terrified’ To Let American People Hear Trump ‘Unfiltered’
10:45 AM 01/16/2019

Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note. The more he says the more Democrats can lie about. In short: Democrats will play hell lying about two words:

No borders.

Nailing Democrats for no borders in a brief written message is all the more reason to go back to Thomas Jefferson:

For more than a century, the State of the Union was delivered to Congress in writing rather than in a speech before a joint session of Congress. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address—or “Annual Message” if you prefer—in person and in New York. (It was the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.) John Adams did likewise during his one term in office. Thomas Jefferson, however, abandoned the in-person speech for the written message, perhaps because he wasn’t a great public speaker. The practice of a written message persisted until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson revived the practice of giving a speech. Ever since FDR, presidents have almost always used speeches rather than written messages to fulfill their constitutional obligation to inform Congress about the State of the Union.

In any event the State of the Union Address delivered in person has become a television extravaganza engineered to make Republican presidents look bad —— while it makes Democrat presidents shine like Moses:


You might give some thought to being less of a pathologically dishonest whore.
I hope Nutso Nancy knows the difference between the commander in chief wife’s security and members of Congress using Air Force planes to pay for junkets.

Melania Trump reportedly took a military plane to Florida, hours after Trump canceled Nancy Pelosi's flight because of the shutdown
Bill Bostock (
Jan 18th 2019 9:18AM

Incidentally, congressional junkets wear many disguises, but the real reason global busybodies use Air Force planes is that it does not cost them a penny to meet with foreign leaders in order to promote democracy. The sad part is the millions of tax dollars paying for junkets every year is a mere bagatelle compared to the tens of billions of foreign aid tax dollars paying to build the gallows that will hang this country.

As a bonus congressional degenerates on so-called fact-finding junkets can engage in their sexual perversions far from prying eyes. (The protection of a foreign government is a lot better than abusing children on a privately owned island.)

She's not just a 'member of Congress', dipshit. She's 3rd in line for the presidency and, since 9/11, SOTHs have flown gov't planes.

Please be less fucking stupid.
I hope Nutso Nancy knows the difference between the commander in chief wife’s security and members of Congress using Air Force planes to pay for junkets.

Melania Trump reportedly took a military plane to Florida, hours after Trump canceled Nancy Pelosi's flight because of the shutdown
Bill Bostock (
Jan 18th 2019 9:18AM

Incidentally, congressional junkets wear many disguises, but the real reason global busybodies use Air Force planes is that it does not cost them a penny to meet with foreign leaders in order to promote democracy. The sad part is the millions of tax dollars paying for junkets every year is a mere bagatelle compared to the tens of billions of foreign aid tax dollars paying to build the gallows that will hang this country.

As a bonus congressional degenerates on so-called fact-finding junkets can engage in their sexual perversions far from prying eyes. (The protection of a foreign government is a lot better than abusing children on a privately owned island.)

I hope you're not suggesting she wouldn't be safe on a trump jet with SS protection.
She's 3rd in line for the presidency

To CharacterAssassin: Only an asshole would brag about 220 Democrats giving Nutso another chance at the presidency.

. . . a dumb Democrat man says the things Nutso says, but the media lets Pelosi get away with it. Bottom line: Television will never tell the public that a woman as dumb as a horse turd is two heartbeats away from the presidency.

NOTE: The president is the first heartbeat. The vice president is the second heartbeat.

Present line of succession

1 Vice President Mike Pence (R)

2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D)

p.s. Take a good look at the women Pelosi is moving up to the top of the Democrat Party. Their combined intellect is zero. A wag might say that Pelosi is uncomfortable being around women smarter than she is.

After nuclear weapons were born the entire line of succession could be wiped out because they could be found in one city. So years ago I suggested changing the line; replacing the bureaucrats with state governors.

Cabinet secretaries who once held elected positions are no exception when it comes to the line of succession.

The federal government’s fear of everything the Tea Party advocates runs so deep they will never allow one Tea Party conservative make it into the line of succession.

Think about it this way: Democrats and Republicans alike use bureaucracies to implement global government policies that could never be legislated; so there is not a chance a Tea Party conservative will ever head a federal bureaucracy let alone one that would place them in the line of succession where they might suddenly ascend to the presidency. For the same reason Democrats and Republicans will never replace bureaucrats with state governors as I suggested. God forbid a Tea Party governor makes it onto the line of succession by accident.

Bureaucrats in the line of succession should be eliminated because nobody votes for them after the first three elected officials; the vice president, the speaker of the house, and the president pro tempore of the Senate.

And have you noticed that liberals scream the loudest about the public’s sacred Right to vote for the people who govern them, yet nobody votes for the bureaucrats that might end up president.

It got worse in 2011

The Presidential Line-of-succession Act of 2011 added ambassadors to the line if the others are wiped out. I looked for a complete list of everybody in the current line and could not find one list that included the ambassadors first proposed by the 109th Congress. I wonder why it is such a secret?

H.R. 1943 and S.920

Those bills were introduced in the 109th Congress (2005-2006). Their provisions included adding the following positions to the the line-of-succession.

Secretary of Homeland Security.

Ambassador to the United Nations. (How does President Suzy Five Shows, President Samantha Power, and President Nikki Haley grab you?)

Ambassador to Great Britain.

Ambassador to Russia.

Ambassador to China.

Ambassador to France.

Parenthetically, think about one of the bureaucrats who joined Hillary Clinton and Obama in betraying this country becoming president:

Hillary Clinton: Uranium One Stories "Debunked Repeatedly"
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 23, 2017


Hillary does not tell us that decisions must go through the Committee on Foreign Investment which includes executive members of the cabinet, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the secretary of state [Hillary Clinton at the time of the sale].

Try this scenario: One of those bureaucrats in the line-of-succession who sold Uranium One to Russia becomes president after a nuclear bomb made from our own uranium destroys Washington.

Incidentally, Elaine Chao McConnell ——who was born in Asia —— was in the presidential line-of-succession when she was Bush the Younger’s Secretary of Labor. It was understood that Chao, Henry Kissinger, and Madeleine Albright were not eligible when they were in the line-of-succession because they were naturalized citizens. Now that Secretary of Transportation Chao is back in the line-of-succession I can only guess she remains ineligible.

Finally, in 2016 my wife and daughter were talking about a TV show they were following. I learned that a variation of my nuclear scenario was the plot in a TV show called DESIGNATED SURVIVOR.

In the TV show the Capital Building is destroyed while the president is delivering a State of the Union Address opening the door for a low level bureaucrat to become president. I do not know who paid to produce that crapola, but they owe me a few bucks for stealing my idea.
To CharacterAssassin: Only an asshole would brag about 220 Democrats giving Nutso another chance at the presidency.

. . . a dumb Democrat man says the things Nutso says, but the media lets Pelosi get away with it. Bottom line: Television will never tell the public that a woman as dumb as a horse turd is two heartbeats away from the presidency.

NOTE: The president is the first heartbeat. The vice president is the second heartbeat.

Present line of succession

1 Vice President Mike Pence (R)

2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D)

p.s. Take a good look at the women Pelosi is moving up to the top of the Democrat Party. Their combined intellect is zero. A wag might say that Pelosi is uncomfortable being around women smarter than she is.

After nuclear weapons were born the entire line of succession could be wiped out because they could be found in one city. So years ago I suggested changing the line; replacing the bureaucrats with state governors.

Cabinet secretaries who once held elected positions are no exception when it comes to the line of succession.

The federal government’s fear of everything the Tea Party advocates runs so deep they will never allow one Tea Party conservative make it into the line of succession.

Think about it this way: Democrats and Republicans alike use bureaucracies to implement global government policies that could never be legislated; so there is not a chance a Tea Party conservative will ever head a federal bureaucracy let alone one that would place them in the line of succession where they might suddenly ascend to the presidency. For the same reason Democrats and Republicans will never replace bureaucrats with state governors as I suggested. God forbid a Tea Party governor makes it onto the line of succession by accident.

Bureaucrats in the line of succession should be eliminated because nobody votes for them after the first three elected officials; the vice president, the speaker of the house, and the president pro tempore of the Senate.

And have you noticed that liberals scream the loudest about the public’s sacred Right to vote for the people who govern them, yet nobody votes for the bureaucrats that might end up president.

It got worse in 2011

The Presidential Line-of-succession Act of 2011 added ambassadors to the line if the others are wiped out. I looked for a complete list of everybody in the current line and could not find one list that included the ambassadors first proposed by the 109th Congress. I wonder why it is such a secret?

H.R. 1943 and S.920

Those bills were introduced in the 109th Congress (2005-2006). Their provisions included adding the following positions to the the line-of-succession.

Secretary of Homeland Security.

Ambassador to the United Nations. (How does President Suzy Five Shows, President Samantha Power, and President Nikki Haley grab you?)

Ambassador to Great Britain.

Ambassador to Russia.

Ambassador to China.

Ambassador to France.

Parenthetically, think about one of the bureaucrats who joined Hillary Clinton and Obama in betraying this country becoming president:

Hillary Clinton: Uranium One Stories "Debunked Repeatedly"
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 23, 2017


Hillary does not tell us that decisions must go through the Committee on Foreign Investment which includes executive members of the cabinet, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the secretary of state [Hillary Clinton at the time of the sale].

Try this scenario: One of those bureaucrats in the line-of-succession who sold Uranium One to Russia becomes president after a nuclear bomb made from our own uranium destroys Washington.

Incidentally, Elaine Chao McConnell ——who was born in Asia —— was in the presidential line-of-succession when she was Bush the Younger’s Secretary of Labor. It was understood that Chao, Henry Kissinger, and Madeleine Albright were not eligible when they were in the line-of-succession because they were naturalized citizens. Now that Secretary of Transportation Chao is back in the line-of-succession I can only guess she remains ineligible.

Finally, in 2016 my wife and daughter were talking about a TV show they were following. I learned that a variation of my nuclear scenario was the plot in a TV show called DESIGNATED SURVIVOR.

In the TV show the Capital Building is destroyed while the president is delivering a State of the Union Address opening the door for a low level bureaucrat to become president. I do not know who paid to produce that crapola, but they owe me a few bucks for stealing my idea.

None of which is relevant to what I posted, you silly whore.
Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note.

A big attaboy to Jim Davis for pointing out opportunities I did not see in the shutdown:

The federal government shutdown has presented a unique opportunity for President Donald Trump to clear out the deadwood in the federal bureaucracy, saving U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars in salaries, perks, and rented office space for people who aren't doing anything productive.

At the same time, Trump can get rid of dozens, possibly even hundreds of Deep State operatives in the government, handpicked by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for their loyalty to the Democratic Party, not their country or the law.

January 19, 2019
Trump Puts Schumer and Pelosi in a Brilliant Vise Grip
By Jim Davis