Two Word State Of The Union Address

Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth finally said something worthwhile. Submit the State of the Union Address in writing:

Don Junior fails to see the gift Nutso offered:

Donald Trump, Jr. slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for trying to get President Donald Trump to delay his State of the Union address as the government shutdown continues, in an exclusive statement to The Daily Caller.

Don Jr: Pelosi ‘Terrified’ To Let American People Hear Trump ‘Unfiltered’
10:45 AM 01/16/2019

Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note. The more he says the more Democrats can lie about. In short: Democrats will play hell lying about two words:

No borders.

Nailing Democrats for no borders in a brief written message is all the more reason to go back to Thomas Jefferson:

For more than a century, the State of the Union was delivered to Congress in writing rather than in a speech before a joint session of Congress. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address—or “Annual Message” if you prefer—in person and in New York. (It was the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.) John Adams did likewise during his one term in office. Thomas Jefferson, however, abandoned the in-person speech for the written message, perhaps because he wasn’t a great public speaker. The practice of a written message persisted until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson revived the practice of giving a speech. Ever since FDR, presidents have almost always used speeches rather than written messages to fulfill their constitutional obligation to inform Congress about the State of the Union.

In any event the State of the Union Address delivered in person has become a television extravaganza engineered to make Republican presidents look bad —— while it makes Democrat presidents shine like Moses:


So, Flanders, what you are saying is:

Nancy Pelosi just kicked Donald Trump's ass so hard he probably has a nose-bleed.

So, Flanders, what you are saying is:

Nancy Pelosi just kicked Donald Trump's ass so hard he probably has a nose-bleed.


To Frank Apisa: Wrong. Trump would have turned tail for any speaker. Trump will fold like a cheap suitcase for a Republican majority leader, too.
You better believe the landlady made Trump blink. She not only told him he could not deliver the SOTU in the House, she told him he could not deliver it anywhere else.

Trump is an asshole if he lets Nutso call the tune:

Speaker Pelosi Invites Trump To Deliver State Of The Union Address Next Tuesday
Kerry Picket
5:14 PM 01/28/2019

It remains to be seen if Trump can win a second term without conservative voters:

Coulter, who supported Trump in 2016 but has since chided him over the border wall, derided Trump on Friday as the "biggest wimp ever to serve as president" after he announced he would reopen the government for three weeks and end a 35-day standoff over border security funding.

Ann Coulter tears into 'Poor' Newt Gingrich
By Brett Samuels - 01/28/19 10:44 AM EST

Trump had better pay attention to Ann before he listens to anything Gingrich has to say:

Trump is an asshole if he lets Nutso call the tune:

Trump deserves it if super spin refuses to concede his Right to deliver a SOTU:


Abrams, who believes illegal aliens should be able to vote in elections, refused to concede to duly elected Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and repeatedly accused him of racism.

Rebuttle: Democrats Have Chosen Who Will Respond to President Trump's State of the Union Address
|Posted: Jan 29, 2019 3:04 PM
Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth finally said something worthwhile. Submit the State of the Union Address in writing:

Don Junior fails to see the gift Nutso offered:

Donald Trump, Jr. slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for trying to get President Donald Trump to delay his State of the Union address as the government shutdown continues, in an exclusive statement to The Daily Caller.

Don Jr: Pelosi ‘Terrified’ To Let American People Hear Trump ‘Unfiltered’
10:45 AM 01/16/2019

Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note. The more he says the more Democrats can lie about. In short: Democrats will play hell lying about two words:

No borders.

Nailing Democrats for no borders in a brief written message is all the more reason to go back to Thomas Jefferson:

For more than a century, the State of the Union was delivered to Congress in writing rather than in a speech before a joint session of Congress. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address—or “Annual Message” if you prefer—in person and in New York. (It was the capital of the United States from 1785 to 1790.) John Adams did likewise during his one term in office. Thomas Jefferson, however, abandoned the in-person speech for the written message, perhaps because he wasn’t a great public speaker. The practice of a written message persisted until 1913, when Woodrow Wilson revived the practice of giving a speech. Ever since FDR, presidents have almost always used speeches rather than written messages to fulfill their constitutional obligation to inform Congress about the State of the Union.

In any event the State of the Union Address delivered in person has become a television extravaganza engineered to make Republican presidents look bad —— while it makes Democrat presidents shine like Moses:


How refreshing to see a politician actually follow proper protocols and respecting the US constitution. Well done Speaker Pelosi. Now lets see if trump and the republicans will FINALLY respect the US constitution and not keep pissing on it.
Trump is an asshole if he lets Nutso call the tune:

Speaker Pelosi Invites Trump To Deliver State Of The Union Address Next Tuesday
Kerry Picket
5:14 PM 01/28/2019

It remains to be seen if Trump can win a second term without conservative voters:

Coulter, who supported Trump in 2016 but has since chided him over the border wall, derided Trump on Friday as the "biggest wimp ever to serve as president" after he announced he would reopen the government for three weeks and end a 35-day standoff over border security funding.

Ann Coulter tears into 'Poor' Newt Gingrich
By Brett Samuels - 01/28/19 10:44 AM EST

Trump had better pay attention to Ann before he listens to anything Gingrich has to say:

Who is running the country? Putin's bitch or Condaleeza's lesbian lover Coulter?????
My gal Judi goes to the heart of the matter:

Meanwhile, all jesters and jokers have been called to the SOTU stage tonight, and when it’s all over, SOTU’s grotesque sideshow performances will be the fault of the man the prog/left so love to hate, President Donald Trump.

Democrats Will Make Street Theatre Out Of Tonight’s SOTU
By Judi McLeod
February 5, 2019

Not only is Trump a fool for jumping into a Democrat playpen after he had an out ——

Nutso gave President Trump a once in a lifetime opportunity to send his SOTU over on a sticky note. The more he says the more Democrats can lie about.

media mouths will report he danced to Nutso’s tune:

Trump is an asshole if he lets Nutso call the tune:
Ambassador to the United Nations. (How does President Suzy Five Shows, President Samantha Power, and President Nikki Haley grab you?)

I always said that a conservative woman would be the first female president. Sarah Palin was my choice, but she never had a chance with the MSM.

It was a blessing when Condoleezza Rice shot her wad. That leaves Nikki Haley as the only REPUBLICAN woman television mouths are pushing:

Haley’s support for the United Nations contributed mightily to her rising star persona in the media:

I confess I always thought Tammy Bruce was made of good stuff as far as media went. I canceled my subscription after I found out she learned her analytical skills at:


No, American women deserve a more inspiring first woman president, a woman who champions the good in America and does not seek to fundamentally transform the country. A woman like ... Nikki Haley?

Tammy Bruce: 'We Will Have a Woman President, and She Will Be Conservative'
By Tyler O'Neil August 7, 2019
She's not just a 'member of Congress', dipshit. She's 3rd in line for the presidency and, since 9/11, SOTHs have flown gov't planes.

Please be less fucking stupid.

and if impeachment took place she would be president

YET she is holding that hand until we have an election so the people can pick their president

pretty Patriotic of her huh
It was a blessing when Condoleezza Rice shot her wad. That leaves Nikki Haley as the only REPUBLICAN woman television mouths are pushing:

Haley’s support for the United Nations contributed mightily to her rising star persona in the media:

In my mind there is no doubt about it:

Did Nikki Haley recruit the Mooch to “the resistance?”


”Could they be plotting something?”

Mooch dined with Nikki Haley days before dumping Trump
By Emily Smith
August 12, 2019 | 9:37pm