
I'll need to grow my IQ around 50+ to figure it out.

It will take much more than that. It is apparent that you don't have anything between your big ears that could retain an IQ. I doubt that you'll ever be able figure out that all these threads aren't about me and deal with the topic. You really are that stupid and pathetic.

It will take much more than that. It is apparent that you don't have anything between your big ears that could retain an IQ. I doubt that you'll ever be able figure out that all these threads aren't about me and deal with the topic. You really are that stupid and pathetic.

And yet you made those threads about us, dumbass. :rofl2:
C S Lewis had this to say about tyranny

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity.at some point be satiated; but those who torment is for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

How is this not spot on with regards to the goose-stepping tyrants regarding covid?

“What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are” - C.S. Lewis

And we all know where the MAGA militia stand

Couldn't find a better description for those that still push the Big Lie
Abortion was not the main topic, but one of many. However, the decision in Roe V Wade was unconstitutional and another power grab for the Federal bureaucracy. They talked about things all the time; it doesn't do any good if sheeple keep voting Democrats in power. The ONE time they had the power to do things, during the predator Clinton's presidency, they balanced the budget and reduced Government.

I agree with you that SCOTUS was already bad when it made this ruling, but it was SCOTUS becoming rotten that needed to be talked about much more than Abortion. Abortion sucked so much oxygen out of the national conversation for several decades, which was either stupid or malicious, because there we many much more important things to talk about.
How are Trump Republican's great liars? I'm a liar? What lies?

"Before Trump Republicans had become great liars you know." is what I said. Legacy Republicans were great liars, which is why they are leaving the party, this is a citizens revolt.

We have yet to see how well the reforming R party will tell the Truth....Too many of the traitor R's in Washington have yet to be dispatched.
And yet you made those threads about us, dumbass.

^Another example from the dickless wonder dunce regarding his lack of intelligence, self awareness and reading comprehension. Do yourself a favor and check into the mental hospital and get that serious case of stupid looked after snowflake.

"Before Trump Republicans had become great liars you know." is what I said. Legacy Republicans were great liars, which is why they are leaving the party, this is a citizens revolt.

We have yet to see how well the reforming R party will tell the Truth....Too many of the traitor R's in Washington have yet to be dispatched.

Oh, the RINO's. They will always be with us unfortunately. The ONLY cure is to implement term limits on Congress, which will never happen, and abolish the tax code and replace it with the FAIR TAX, which also will never happen.
“What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are” - C.S. Lewis

And we all know where the MAGA militia stand

Couldn't find a better description for those that still push the Big Lie

And you cunts telling everybody they have to wear a mask or you're evil.

You mean the big lie where the Michigan ag was kicked in the ads by a judge because she fucked up? You're a fucking retarded cancer cell. Shut the fuck up
And you cunts telling everybody they have to wear a mask or you're evil.

You mean the big lie where the Michigan ag was kicked in the ads by a judge because she fucked up? You're a fucking retarded cancer cell. Shut the fuck up

Why is it always "you cunts" with us? I, at least, don't confront others for not wearing masks. I couldn't care less if they don't.
Why is it always "you cunts" with us? I, at least, don't confront others for not wearing masks. I couldn't care less if they don't.

Yeah that's an insult to cunts isn't it?

Good for you. A fat stupid stupid cow made a comment to me the other day at lowes. I asked if whatever she was buying there was worth risking her life for and if not she should have stayed home and had it delivered or picked up at the curb. She shut that gash under nose pretty quick.
Yeah that's an insult to cunts isn't it?

Good for you. A fat stupid stupid cow made a comment to me the other day at lowes. I asked if whatever she was buying there was worth risking her life for and if not she should have stayed home and had it delivered or picked up at the curb. She shut that gash under nose pretty quick.

Those are called Karens.
Those are called Karens.

I guess that's the case what I call her is an obnoxious cunt that reminds me of leftists who thinks they can say whatever the fuck they like and people should just shut the fuck and take it. She really didn't like my talking back to her. Fuck her.
They dont generally know any history

Most of the lefties I personally know only care about two pieces of history. One, that the founding fathers were traitorous slave owners who should have lost and Two, that the union should have completely razed the confederate states, ridding anyone of the notion of ever defying a supreme federal government ever again.
Most of the lefties I personally know only care about two pieces of history. One, that the founding fathers were traitorous slave owners who should have lost and Two, that the union should have completely razed the confederate states, ridding anyone of the notion of ever defying a supreme federal government ever again.