U.S. Joins Regional Talks to Secure Iraq

Sounds like another step in the report that they seem to be following... I remember fondly about two months ago when the Ds were all about following that report. Now they are about trying to take the CIC job from where it constitutionally belongs.
Well if the CIC had been doing his job.....
Of course it is sort of hard to lead after your credibility is gone....
Well if the CIC had been doing his job.....
Of course it is sort of hard to lead after your credibility is gone....
It will be determined unconstitutional by the courts and during the trials they'll continue as before. When it is over the Checks and Balances will work. They can defund it legally, but attempting to take over his job won't work.
And lets not forget his personal intreptation of the Treaties and such. ie the Geneva Convention Treaty, definition of torture, EPA laws, etc...
Umm did n't we lose that right with tort reform, or is that the next phase of tort reform ?
Most Tort reform locks in money gained. This type of suit is to force the government to do as it is limited by the Constitution. If there is an action to be taken, then one can get the checks and balances to work as they should. If the Executive Branch oversteps, then the courts can reign it in. First somebody must bring an action against them.
and if one side controls the courts ?
One side doesn't control the courts. This is a myth. However, action can be taken if there is actionable transgressions. The idea that they are helpless to his power is simply political positioning, it "forgives" them for doing nothing. They need to get past the idea that they must use their own "power" to fix it, and transgress themselves in the process.
One side can and HAS controlled the courts, in ideology at least if not in party proper. The court has gone thru periods of liber and conservative control over the years.
There was a very good show on this subject on PBS a couple of weeks ago.
It was related to but not limited to how the supreme court dealt with equal rights / desegration for Blacks over the years.
One side can and HAS controlled the courts, in ideology at least if not in party proper. The court has gone thru periods of liber and conservative control over the years.
There was a very good show on this subject on PBS a couple of weeks ago.
It was related to but not limited to how the supreme court dealt with equal rights / desegration for Blacks over the years.
Currently there is a particular balance in the SCOTUS who would be the ultimate arbiter of this one. This is the myth of which I speak. If you believe that they have overstepped then bring suit, don't just stand there and pretend helplessness and use it to excuse the actions of the liberals later... "But they controlled the courts!"

They do not. The courts are just as jealous of their power as the Executive is of his and Congress should be of theirs. It is a system that works with checks and balances, if you don't use the Checks and Balances, don't blame me for the result.
[A voice emanates from behind the baricaded cockpit door . . .]

I think these regional talks are actually the most potentially useful thing the administration has tried yet. Far more practical than any half-assed pacification "surge" that really only benefits the Shi'ites.
if you don't use the Checks and Balances, don't blame me for the result.

I was blaming you Damo ?
No, but you were excusing the lack of action by saying that one side controls the courts. Currently it is not the case. The court is rather balanced. While Rs appointed many of the SCOTUS, many of them are clearly not SuperRight...

I have simply stated that there is action that can be taken. I have explained that if Congress tries to overtake the Exec's authority through Legislation that it will go to court and it will be overturned. The authority of the Executive in this case is clearly listed in Article II of the constitution and they will actually do something about it.

I have given several suggestions on how to deal with the appearance of the Executive to take power that is not theirs, you have given me excuses why they are not being done. If it is actionable take it to the courts, they will protect their own power, even if they are righties.