U.S. Joins Regional Talks to Secure Iraq

So you are not really a Libetarian Damo ? ;)
Rubbish. The fact that the checks and balances are there wouldn't make me libertarian or not. That is just a cheesy assertion built on nothing. I have given you what the founders created as the process to do something about which you are complaining. If you have an action then take it, if not then quit attempting to push it off on others saying how they "control" the courts, etc.
Well you took it personal when It looked like I was picking on the Republicans, but then I thought you were a Libertarian ?????
Well you took it personal when It looked like I was picking on the Republicans, but then I thought you were a Libertarian ?????
I have always been a republican. I have never hidden that fact, this is disingenuous.

I am a libertarian-leaning Republican, and have never presented myself as other than that. What is it with you lately? You keep missing the trees for the forest.