U.S. Map of Hate Groups

It seems like it... Anyway, having his wife write and put forward legislation put her in the guns of any politico. Attempting to make it so people writing legislation are protected because of who they are married to is ridiculous.

Maybe??? But signing legislation while simultaneously creating a signing statement that proclaims that the legislation you just signed does not apply to you the signer is the hieght of ridiculousness (is that even a word??). I think so... Anyway I can think of nothing more self-serving or ridiculous than that exercise!!!!

Liz Dole has an (R) next to her name. Its all partisan manufactured outrage.

Surely, you noticed the wingnuts outrage at clintons sexual immorality, but their near dead silence at Newt Gingrich's?

Yep, but I think that's because DC is filled with mostly men. Women who hear the story about him serving divorce papers on his wife while she was in the hospital for cancer treatments, so he could be with another woman, don't like that. That's universal. I don't care what her politics are, no woman is going to hear that and just shrug it off.
How old are you Damo?

The wingnuts were picking on hillary as far back as the 1992 presidential campaign, before she worked on the health care plan.

They hated the fact that she kept her maiden name, and there were all kinds of jokes about her because she was a professional, independent woman who didn't conform to the stereotype of a stay-at-home mom.
Even while they were running they spoke of her writing that legislation. Be honest with yourself.

Liz Dole has an (R) next to her name. Its all partisan manufactured outrage.

Surely, you noticed the wingnuts outrage at clintons sexual immorality, but their near dead silence at Newt Gingrich's?
Another difference, people voted for Libby Dole, nobody at that time had voted for Hillary. It was long after that Health Care Debacle that she ran and finally was voted into office.
No one votes for the lobbyists that submit bills they have written either Damo.
However, they too are subject to public outcry. One thing about that is how much of a big deal that they made that she would be writing this legislation. Putting her out there doesn't subject her to scrutiny? Come on.... You are smarter than that.
If you believe that was the only reason the Republicans hated Hillary, then fine, just keep on. But I thought you were smarter than that.
If you believe that was the only reason the Republicans hated Hillary, then fine, just keep on. But I thought you were smarter than that.
No, but it was a main reason that they were able to go after her. Setting policy and openly writing legislation directly sets you up for such. If she acted as other First Ladies it is doubtful they could have done that...

Of course if she did it is unlikely she'd be Senator and frontrunner to get the DNC nod for President in 2008. One works with the other...
If you want to find your friendly Black Separatist , Christian Identity, Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Confederate, Neo-Nazi or Racist Skinhead, here's a map for you. If, like me, you'd like to avoid them, consider skipping Florida or California on your next trip.

More at link...

And if you want to find the neoconservative members of the zionist jewish separatist movement, ummm.. look up d.c. It's lousy with em.