U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people

So, you can fight and die for our country, but you cannot buy a beer or a pistol because you are too young. How very nice.

I agree. But after taking a look at the statistics showing death rates in car accidents for teens, when the drinking age is lowered to 18, I have concluded that the proper solution is not to lower the drinking age, but rather, to raise the age of being able to sign a military contract without parental approval to 21.

Why are we shipping 18 year olds to war zones anyway?
I agree. But after taking a look at the statistics showing death rates in car accidents for teens, when the drinking age is lowered to 18, I have concluded that the proper solution is not to lower the drinking age, but rather, to raise the age of being able to sign a military contract without parental approval to 21.

Why are we shipping 18 year olds to war zones anyway?

Have to get to em before they smarten up in some cases.
also as you get older you are harder to "program"
And what state might you reside Damo? I travel often and for less important things than pistols.

And for the record I enlisted at 17 with parental consent. I was in the gas chamber on my 18th.
And what state might you reside Damo? I travel often and for less important things than pistols.

And for the record I enlisted at 17 with parental consent. I was in the gas chamber on my 18th.

No offense intended in any way just curious.
Would you do the same thing again ?
And what state might you reside Damo? I travel often and for less important things than pistols.

And for the record I enlisted at 17 with parental consent. I was in the gas chamber on my 18th.
I enlisted at 17 as well. Although my birthday came after boot camp. Barely.

I live in CO.
Would I do it again? Yeah, but in alll honesty I'd probably choose a differant job field. I'd also laugh alot more, because in all honesty, boot camp is a big joke.

CO Damo? Hmmmm I am planning a road trip in the spring. We'll see what happens with that.
Would I do it again? Yeah, but in alll honesty I'd probably choose a differant job field. I'd also laugh alot more, because in all honesty, boot camp is a big joke.

CO Damo? Hmmmm I am planning a road trip in the spring. We'll see what happens with that.
I was a Russian Translator. A 2676 in the Marines, a CT(I) in the Navy....

It was interesting. And although I got the National Defense Medal for being in I watched the first Iraqi Conflict on TV with the rest of the US, when I wasn't stuck underwater.
A Russian translator? Damn thats a language I've always wished I knew. And nothing wrong with getting your firewatch ribbon, I bought three in boot and I hadnt even done anything (and techincally still havent).
A Russian translator? Damn thats a language I've always wished I knew. And nothing wrong with getting your firewatch ribbon, I bought three in boot and I hadnt even done anything (and techincally still havent).
It was very fun and made time short as A-School lasted about a year and a half.