U.S. officials say Russia smeared Tim Walz, might stoke post-vote violence

“Some of these influence efforts are aimed at inciting violence and calling into question the validity of democracy as a political system, regardless of who wins,” a senior intelligence official told reporters in the latest of a series of background election-threat briefings. Russia is “potentially seeking to stoke threats towards poll workers, as well as amplifying protests and potentially encouraging protests to be violent,” the official added.

Sounds like Trump!
Putin has been talking about how he talks to Presidents who tell him one thing, then Deep State comes and tells them how it is really going to go and everything changes....who the President is is almost irrelevant.
I do not call myself a Putin Expert but it seems to be his opinion is "Look, if you Americans are going to allow yourself to be run by a shadow government then we are going to have to deal with it, but it certainly makes organizing the World and staying out of WW3 more difficult".