U.S. Sees Direct Threat in Attack at Kenya Mall

No, that was when he tried to distract us from the growing Monica Lewinsky scandal by entering the Serb/Bosnia dispute.

His efforts to get Bin Laden, particularly after the USS Cole incident, were considered necessary, but the executions of those efforts were considered bumbling, half-hearted, and not serious.

that is an outright fucking lie
we entered the bosnia war BEFORE the Lewinsky thingy you fucking liar.

Just proved your a lying piece of shit

The General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, also known as the Dayton Agreement, Dayton Accords, Paris Protocol or Dayton-Paris Agreement, is the peace agreement reached at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio in November 1995, and formally signed in Paris on 14 December 1995.

This is certainly alarming.

Just scanning the headlines this morning I also saw that 158 people have been killed so far in renewed fighting with Islamic separatists in the southern Philippines Island of Mindanao.
The Phillipines is a seperatist movement, more about local issue, then international terrorism.
Not a big concern

Al_Shabab is still largely a panAfrican movement -i'm not sure if they have operated outside of Afica ( say Syria?) -but the ties to US Americans I THINK are to Somali's - i remebr hearing something about Milwaukee ( US ties are greatest).

AQ is becoming an international movemnet, mostly getting unemployed young males, or those interested in jihad to contribute/join up.

From the little I know the US is aware of all this, even if they can't track every actor.
No it isn't. Check the timetables. Google.

Meanwhile, the Sudan bombing hit an aspirin factory, or some such place. It was an embarrassing feeble demonstration that accomplished nothing.

how long did it take Bush to get OBL?
taft is a proven liar.

will no one on the right admonish his lies?

You will just pretend it didn't happen huh
This is what the right does.

they allow lies to be their tool and pretend they don't exist.

its why your party is in HATE FAIL level
After Sandy Hook last Christmas I had to take my niece and nephew to the mall, and I have never been so paranoid. I made them walk in front of me, figuring if someone shot from behind I would be blocking them and if someone was coming towards them I would be able to see them and knock the kids out of the way. The reason I felt this way was because ever since 9/11 I've believed the malls were going to be a target. I remember everyone worried about flying right after 9/11, but it wa the malls I was very alert in. They are simply too good of a target. You would bring the US economy to a screeching halt.

Lone white dude American nut, or foreign attack, it's coming. I am not even a little bit surprised by this and it's the one place I am uncomfortable bringing the kids. I know where all the exits are. I don't care if I'm by myself, but imagine if you are with your kids? And yeah, there's no preventing this.
Although there will be a difference in the reaction.

If it's another American white dude gun nutter, Americans will shrug and scream "from my cold dead hands" and we won't be able to do anything to stop it so why bother,and we have no money anyway, and the 2nd amendment, and blah blah blahblah.

If it's a foreign attack, every American will be outraged and demand we bomb some people shopping in other countries to make up for the people shot while shopping here, and that we keep Muslims out of malls, or at the very least, strip search them on the way in, and that no expense is spared in our pursuit of retribution.

So, there's that...
dead is dead, yes. but it's not so easy for interntional terrorist to operate in the US. Still a lone wolf can do some damage.

Al_Sahbab rented a store in the Kenyan mall, and did a lot of planning - i am wondering how much co-ordination could take place in the US?

Still there is always those who manage to evade the radar.
A lone nut will generally not be the fault of an intelligence failure.

An intelligence failure is what happened at the Boston Marathon. The Russians and Saudis gave us the names of the bombers, we had their addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, and were even mailing them government benefit checks.

That was just a complete lapse in intelligence. Epic ball dropping.

We've had the Kenya mall incident and the Peshawar church bombing in the past week. Open fighting on the streets in the Philippines. I'm hoping Obama is not believing his own "Al Qaeda is on the run" blather and has the intelligence forces working overtime on this stuff.
Peshawar church bombing was because we STILL DRONE in Pakistan, the bombers now threaten any non-Muslims ( by their logic) whom support this.

Boston bombings...pretty strange, could be too much infomation, (as opposed to 'stovepiping' -pre 9-11) - not clear on this one.

Obama neglected to....( inform/understand).... 'AQ central' in Paki is degraded as a central authority - but the "AQ Afiliates" are on the rise.