"You don’t understand our system of government and regulatory oversight, Mr. Anger Management Problem. "
oh, look.... Gumby brought out the "u an angry man" comment again. Sure sign of desperation. But lets continue on and see what other moronic thoughts are to follow....
"If you want to do ANYTHING from the legislative or regulatory level to promote green energy, and reduce greenhouse emissions, the legislators and regulators have to make findings of fact to support those laws and programs. They literally can’t be implemented or codified without findings of fact to support them. "
ROFLMAO.... GOOD ONE GUMBY.... back to the... we can't do anything without our government holding our hand.... seriously Gumby... take the show on the road... the comedy clubs will love ya.
"In short, any type of public policy, law, or regulation designed to promote green energy and reduce greenhouse emissions has to make a legal finding, a determination of fact, if you will, that greenhouse emissions are a significant threat to public health, safety, and the environment. That's why saying "I don't care if humans are contributing to global warming", is a non-starter. "
Wow Gumby.... Your dependency on the government is really quite pathetic. I'll let you in on a secret.... the government doesn't have to do shit for people to work towards solving the problems of pollution and the reduction of our use/dependency on fossil fuels.
"In order to make that legal finding, we have to rely on technical/scientific/legal expertise to support it. And, in this case, the expertise is in the global scientific community which has concluded that it is very, very likely that human greenhouse emissions are largely responsible for the warming trend of the earth for the last century. "
Gee golly Gumby, by the time you get done playing with the government, the earth will be ruled by cockroaches. (Hurry US.... this is a set up for you.... equate the cockroaches to the Reps....)
"You have to admit the problem (and the factual basis defining the problem) before you can enact public policy to address the problem. "
The problem is... we are too dependent on foreign energy and we need to reduce pollution. There. It is stated. Now can we go about solving the problems? Or do you still need a politician to put forth some spewage of words to make you feel warm and cozy inside before you will act?
That’s what a comprehensive energy policy is. If you said, well we don’t like Saudi oil, and we want to get off it, you don’t have the legal or programmatic basis to develop a policy that address ALL environmental and national security concerns pertaining to energy.