
I'm not speaking to you personally... Why does everybody seem to take everything so personally?


Obnixicity has a habit of becoming personal,and almost destined to become so, even it it isn't directed at the person affected. and even when the personal offense isn't expressed.
Such is the case with me. It goes far beyond and exclusive of simple cursing.

I'm rather sorry that you don't see it as serious.
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Because I just always assume you are speaking to me, or about me when you post. It's all part of my delusion.
Dadgumit! I'm going to have to stop hanging out with women who're quicker on the draw than I am. You stepped on my line AGAIN! :mad:
Oh, you're forgiven. You're always forgiven: you know that. That was indeed pretty much the very first thing that popped into my head when I read Damo's post though. You phrased it better than I would've, so it's all good.


Why did it pop into your head? Because he really is always posting about me, and I'm not delusional at all, am I right? ;)