Ultra rich unsatisfied: study

Its a quick and interesting read

they make money to compete with the jones

it leaves them with unsatisfied lives

when you place things over people you empty the human soul

its too easy for the wealthy to get caught in that

it leaves them empty and feeling like life is shallow

wealth makes it harder to be happy when you reach a certain level of wealth

what fools

I actually agree with you. Hmm, maybe I should get tested.
Hello evince,

I say we do what the founders planned

Well fettered capitalism

The Constitution does not say we will be a capitalist nation.

Our economic system has been left for us to work out as the times evolve.

It has become rather apparent that we need a combination of capitalism and socialism.
the post office was written right into the constitution by the founders

they didn't even insist it pay for its self (that's new)
it is s socialist program

and yes the founders liked capitalism

Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and post Roads".[1]

The Postal Clause was added to the Constitution to facilitate interstate communication as well as to create a source of revenue for the early United States.[2][3] There were some early disagreements as to the boundaries of the Postal Power. John Jay, in a letter to George Washington, opined that the postal service should not be burdened with the responsibility for handling newspaper delivery, and also suggested that the Post Office be placed under the supervision of the executive branch (a suggestion which later led to the creation of the Post Office Department).[4] Thomas Jefferson feared that the postal service would become a source of patronage and a waste of money. Jefferson also expressed doubt at granting Congress the power to designate post roads, as he considered road building to be a state responsibility.[5]
Hello evince,

The research Norton has conducted illustrating this phenomenon is dispiriting. In a paper published earlier this year, he and his collaborators asked more than 2,000 people who have net worths of at least $1 million (including many whose wealth far exceeded that threshold) how happy they were on a scale of 1 to 10, and then how much more money they would need to get to 10. “All the way up the income-wealth spectrum,” Norton told me, “basically everyone says [they’d need] two or three times as much" to be perfectly happy.

Too funny. So one of them will be perfectly happy if he has as much as another. But the other has to have 2-3 times that much. Tail-chasing fools.
Hello A-Moose,

I actually agree with you. Hmm, maybe I should get tested.


What good is money if you don't use it to buy lots of things? Houses, yachts, planes, investments, elite memberships.

But then you have to worry about all the things you have. Is everything being taken care of properly? Whoops! Now, all of a sudden you got a lotta stress.

The individual with far less, but still plenty to have the needs covered is not so burdened, freed up to be happier and enjoy the simpler things in life.
The study says the very wealthy are happier than those with lower levels of wealth:

"Taken together, these results suggest that, among millionaires, wealth may be likely to pay off in greater happiness only at very high levels of wealth, and when that wealth was earned rather than inherited."

Desh never read that far, it seems.
Desh never read that far, it seems.

It was not in the article but the study itself. Articles summarizing studies often generalize with headlines to attract attention and leave out important parts of the study.

In another thread the article claimed a study found conservative men are more insecure in their masculinity than liberal men. But, when you read the actual study, it was an internet poll (not representative) which was based on Google searches. It found conservative men were more likely (to say) they would do a search for terms like erectile dysfunction. They concluded that meant the men were more insecure.

It could also mean 1) conservative men were more honest in admitting that they would search for that term 2) liberal men don't care if they have erectile dysfunction (which says something about their masculinity) or 3) conservative men were older and more likely to experience the problem.
when will people realize its not words to make poor people feel better about being poor

Money can buy THINGS

money cant buy happiness
Everybody wants enough money to be reasonably secure and comfortable.
Only degenerate sociopaths want gold plated toilets.
In my opinion, after one achieves a reasonable amount of financial security, true happiness is derived from self-improvement, self-enlightenment, spiritual growth, and service to family, friends, and community.
Everybody wants enough money to be reasonably secure and comfortable.
Only degenerate sociopaths want gold plated toilets.
In my opinion, after one achieves a reasonable amount of financial security, true happiness is derived from self-improvement, self-enlightenment, spiritual growth, and service to family, friends, and community.

How could anybody be comfortable in all that impersonal gilded splendor? There's nothing the least bit "homey" about it.
How could anybody be comfortable in all that impersonal gilded splendor? There's nothing the least bit "homey" about it.

I don't get it.

It is beyond garish and tasteless.

It says a lot about Trump, his character, and his taste, that he has an affinity for the gaudy, the lurid, and the grotesquely ostentatious.