You guys are being pedantic. You know exactly what he means.
You are using a different and more literal definition of "American" than he is. I understand that righties are incapable of understanding such nuances and must be pedantic, but please, just try.
This is plainly stereotyping towards the group you favor. He is using an unrealistic definition of good (agree with him) = american/bad (disagree with him) = unamerican.
You still did not answer, would it be an American thing to do to invite OBL to shit on the American Flag?
Wrong, I belvie that there are bad things that are American, and good things that are Un-American.
In some situations Communism is a good thing, it is in my opinion particularly un-american.
Note the key words there Jarod... IN YOUR OPINION. YOUR OPINION does not determine what is American.
Help me out here I am compiling a list of things that are unamerican.
1. Banning guns outright.
2. Unduely limiting free speach.
3. Having a king.
4. martial law.
5. Borscht
6. Communism.
7. slavery.
I am sure there are plenty, lets hear em!
Anyone who cheers for wussy lil Pac 10 schools.
Help me out here I am compiling a list of things that are unamerican.
1. Banning guns outright.
2. Unduely limiting free speach.
3. Having a king.
4. martial law.
5. Borscht
6. Communism.
7. slavery.
I am sure there are plenty, lets hear em!
Me, or so it's been said.
Actually, he is the one trying to limit "American" to mean anything that he believes the current majority would agree upon.
But because everyone in this country is entitled to voice their opinions (which he agrees with) then ANY idea can be American. It does not mean the idea will be popular or that it will become policy/law/amendment.
are you a Bruin or a Bruin supporter?
Negative. That raises a question though, is being a Bruin or Bruin supporter a necessary or sufficient condition to being unAmerican. Your question suggests that it is a necessary condition. That is, in order to be unAmerican you must be a Bruin or Bruin supporter. However, I suggest that being a Bruin or Bruin supporter is merely a sufficient condition to being unAmerican as there are plenty of unAmerican Dook fans in the world.
Actual Bruin alumni, students and fans make up their own special category of Unamerican. They took Unamerican and brought it to a whole new level.
Has there ever been a majority in the entirety of AMerica that thought that the first ammendment should be repealed? It's an AMERICAN universal timeless value.
Are you suggesting that anything that hasn't ever occured in the past cannot ever occur in the future?
U R an pedantic.