Unbeatable Ticket for the US election:

Maybe I'm spoiling things here but just so you know:

voting records are virtually all identical with ratings of anywhere from 85 to 95% liberal, it's really not much of a choice.
The only difference is Richardson, although difficult to determine because he is a governor, his record as governor is more moderate in terms of taxes, spending and social issues.
Seriously all those Dems are the same, it's the repub race that offers real choice from Paul the Libertarian, to Rudy the moderate, to Mitt the fake Conservative, to Fred Thompson (and the minor candidates) as the social/economic Conservatives, to Huckabee as the social Conservative and economic Liberal.

The Dem party is simply not big tent anymore.
Seriously all those Dems are the same, it's the repub race that offers real choice from Paul the Libertarian, to Rudy the moderate, to Mitt the fake Conservative, to Fred Thompson (and the minor candidates) as the social/economic Conservatives, to Huckabee as the social Conservative and economic Liberal.

The Dem party is simply not big tent anymore.

LOL. Like you'd vote for them if they were.:p
LOL. Like you'd vote for them if they were.:p
I'd vote for a Conservative in the Dem party yes, can you name any? Most of them got out in the 80's, Ben Campbell-Nighthorse left in the 90's, Zell Miller is gone, John Breauz retired (and he was just a moderate and not Conservative anyway). Most of the moderates in the house are pretty much northeast Republicans, Dem moderates are usually older guys whose time will come and then the party will have none left.
You have Nanci Pelosi, from the 2nd furthest left district as your leader for Christs sakes. Or look at Lieberman, the guy is pretty much solid left on all issues but foreign policy and he is not welcome.
The independent socialist from Vermont is welcomed to caucus with Dems though.

Yes, he also taught Chuck Norris everything he knows too.

the only thing RP could teach Chuck is maybe how to deliver a baby!...and I am not quite sure about that...RP is getting really old and senile...maybe he has forgetten how to spread the leggs...in a martial arts way!(just so darla doesn't get excited again!)
the only thing RP could teach Chuck is maybe how to deliver a baby!...and I am not quite sure about that...RP is getting really old and senile...maybe he has forgetten how to spread the leggs...in a martial arts way!(just so darla doesn't get excited again!)

A wide stance ?