Unbelievable Pencil Art!

Wow. That's so far beyond talent there are no words to describe it. Those are, simply, exquisite labors of love.
That is amazing. I had to google to find verification that these are pencil art.
Why not just take a photograph? Ultra-realism is just a gimmick. It is not a display of creativity. It is a complicated way of imitating a camera.
Spending all of that time to imitate a camera is not a good use of human potential. It's a gimmick. Maybe it makes him happy to pursue this hobby, but it's not any sort of high art.
It's, at the very least, as artistic as Picasso or more "modern" art. The labor involved makes it more than just a "gimmick", it is flat out impressive skill and a labor of love.
No. It isn't. It isn't art.

It is impressive. As impressive as someone who does math by hand and never uses his calculator.
Jealous much? It is easily more artistic than any modern "art" pile, and a skill you clearly do not have. With all the patience of Buddha you still could not create even one of those pieces of art.
If it's art then a camera is the most skilled artist humanity has ever known.

With enough practice anyone could.
Rubbish. With enough practice they may be able to create something that resembles somewhat what they want it to look like, but what this man does is a skill that you don't get from practice. It's beyond your ken to even halfway understand the difficulty of producing that by hand with charcoal and paper as your medium.

Most people can barely draw stick figures, they will never be capable of this kind of art, the closest they'll ever come is tracing a photograph and hoping they don't "cross" the lines too much. Painted portraits are art, this is a more detailed version of that same thing.
Man, I love arguments with Damo.

I know I'm wrong, but I love losing!


A skilled artisan can produce a portrait that is considered art by every artist I have ever known, a truly skilled artist can create ultra-realism... I've seen paintings that were amazing, you can look for hours...
Rubbish. With enough practice they may be able to create something that resembles what they want it to, but what this man does is a skill that you don't get from practice. It's beyond your ken to even halfway understand the difficulty of producing that by hand with charcoal and paper as your medium.

Most people can barely draw stick figures, they will never be capable of this kind of art, the closest they'll ever come is tracing a photograph and hoping they don't "cross" the lines too much.

I disagree. The main thing here is that most people do not have the patience to do the 10k hours (a little more than a year) of practice it takes to become a master of the discipline. This man has probably spent several tens of thousands of hours drawing. Of course he can do it well.
No, I actually do like arguing with you.
I know. But I can't avoid sarcasm. It's my medium.

And you are wrong, most people don't have the skill to create this kind of portrait art. It's like saying that the Mona Lisa isn't art because it looks like the woman he was painting. It's art, portraits are art, more detailed versions of portraits are still art.
I know. But I can't avoid sarcasm. It's my medium.

And you are wrong, most people don't have the skill to create this kind of portrait art. It's like saying that the Mona Lisa isn't art because it looks like the woman he was painting. It's art, portraits are art, more detailed versions of portraits are still art.

Plato (or one of those other two Greek guys) once said that art was imitation of nature. I've always disagreed.

I think art is the randomness in your brain filtered through logic to create something that inspires emotion in others. Some people are able to get the logic of it but aren't able to through enough random in there to create something truly original (others, like modernists, just ignore logic and produce meaningless white noise). I don't think it's a good use of your time to imitate nature just to imitate nature.