Uncle Ted Blows it!

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Now I love Uncle Ted. I don't take his right wing rants to seriously. He's a rock star for christs sake so I don't take him any more seriously than I do Bono on politics. But now he's gotten himself in trouble in Alaska. He plead guilty to a misdemeaner count of shooting a black bear with out a license. He's paid a $10,000 fine and will do a PSA biweekly on his TV show as penance.

Uncle Ted! Seriously. This is the second time you've gotten busted for this (first time he baited and shot a deer illegally in California and had his hunting license revoked for a year). This is just not acceptable behavior Uncle Ted. A true hunter is a dedicated conservationist. With out proper preservation and management of wilderness lands and wildlife well their aint nothing to hunt but some cat scratch fever. As a public figure we expect you to hold to the highest standards of hunting ethics. This is just unnaceptable. I know you've done outstanding conservation work in the past and your support of our disabled vets is much to be admired but now you have crossed a line.

I've blown off all sorts of over the top behavior in the past because you are the Motor City Madman but you've crossed a line and you owe your fans and the public an apology. I thought I'd never say this to one of my favorite Uncles but I'm deeply dissapointed in you Uncle Ted!!
Typical right wing nut gun enthusiast. Obsession with guns is directly proportional to penis size.

Schlussel is an idiot. The story about Nugent being a draft dodger is an urban myth created by the Detroit Free Press. Nugent got out of the draft through a student deferment just like Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton did. As for the child predator schtic, give it a rest. Nugent had a relationship with a 17 year old girl with her parents authorization when he was 30. Nothing illegal there folk. Hell Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis married 13 year olds.

What really proves Schlussel is an idiot is she takes Uncle Ted seriously. HE'S A ROCK MUSIC ENTERTAINER DEBBIE! He's not the Pope.
Which of these statements are you prepared to factually refute?

That this hypocritical draft-dodging, child predator father of eight kids with six different women is a “conservative hero” is sheer idiocy and shows that we have as many–or more–morons and double-standardites on the right as there are on the left.

He had the parents of his underaged girlfriend sign her over to him as her guardian so he could have sex with her.

He’s now the proud babydaddy to eight children with six different women, most of whom he abandoned and to whom he refused to pay child support. One of those kids was fathered with another woman (not his wife) during his current marriage, and while he fought for years to avoid paying even a dime of child support, you paid instead, as the kid and mother went on welfare.

Which of these statements are you prepared to factually refute?

That this hypocritical draft-dodging, child predator father of eight kids with six different women is a “conservative hero” is sheer idiocy and shows that we have as many–or more–morons and double-standardites on the right as there are on the left.

He had the parents of his underaged girlfriend sign her over to him as her guardian so he could have sex with her.

He’s now the proud babydaddy to eight children with six different women, most of whom he abandoned and to whom he refused to pay child support. One of those kids was fathered with another woman (not his wife) during his current marriage, and while he fought for years to avoid paying even a dime of child support, you paid instead, as the kid and mother went on welfare.


Oooh, conservative family values, notwithstanding.
Oooh, conservative family values, notwithstanding.

Well, the Nuge is from Michigan.

It’s hilarious to read Ted Nugent’s book, “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” which has a whole chapter lecturing Black America on “sexual ethics” and “sexual restraint,” and beseeches Black men to stop fathering children out of wedlock, telling them about the horrible results that happen to kids born without a dad.

Um, Ted, POT. KETTLE. BLACK. (Or in this case, White.)

And that’s not to mention, that Nugent even got the parents of a teen girl to sign her over to him as her legal guardian, so he could have sex with her.

Yup, Nugent now gives NBA and NFL players some pretty stiff competition in the babydaddy, out-of-wedlock birth category.

He recently discovered another one of several kids he gave up for adoption (other kids’ mothers have sued him for child support).

Ted Mann, 42, was probably better off having a real (adoptive) dad in his life, instead of the creepy sperm donor, Ted Nugent, who helped conceive him.

“It’s all win, win, win, win, win, win, win,” the guitarist and gun freak said Tuesday.
“He’s joining the coolest family in the world … Plus I have more ammo than any dad.”
Uh-huh. The ammo Ted Nugent keeps confusing with real bullets has contributed to plenty of fatherless kids. Coolest family in the world? All win, win?

Again, this abandoned son of Ted Nugent won big-time by avoiding this arrogant, conceited, derelict has-been Rock Star draft dodger as his dad most of his life.

Wake up, conservatives. Ted Nugent is a scumbag. And a sleaze. Nothing more.


Well, the Nuge is from Michigan.

It’s hilarious to read Ted Nugent’s book, “Ted, White, and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” which has a whole chapter lecturing Black America on “sexual ethics” and “sexual restraint,” and beseeches Black men to stop fathering children out of wedlock, telling them about the horrible results that happen to kids born without a dad.

Um, Ted, POT. KETTLE. BLACK. (Or in this case, White.)

And that’s not to mention, that Nugent even got the parents of a teen girl to sign her over to him as her legal guardian, so he could have sex with her.

Yup, Nugent now gives NBA and NFL players some pretty stiff competition in the babydaddy, out-of-wedlock birth category.

He recently discovered another one of several kids he gave up for adoption (other kids’ mothers have sued him for child support).

Ted Mann, 42, was probably better off having a real (adoptive) dad in his life, instead of the creepy sperm donor, Ted Nugent, who helped conceive him.

“It’s all win, win, win, win, win, win, win,” the guitarist and gun freak said Tuesday.
“He’s joining the coolest family in the world … Plus I have more ammo than any dad.”
Uh-huh. The ammo Ted Nugent keeps confusing with real bullets has contributed to plenty of fatherless kids. Coolest family in the world? All win, win?

Again, this abandoned son of Ted Nugent won big-time by avoiding this arrogant, conceited, derelict has-been Rock Star draft dodger as his dad most of his life.

Wake up, conservatives. Ted Nugent is a scumbag. And a sleaze. Nothing more.


Please. Only trailer trash with the I.Q. of a turnip, would even give a damn. Ted Nugent is nobody.
Open your pants and take a gander.

LOL, SmarterThanFew...


OK, folks. Don't go questioning a Righty's behavior. You know what happened in South Carolina when that twice proven two-timer, Newt, was questioned about his Ex's accusation he wanted an open marriage. All those Righties stood up on national TV in support of his feigned outrage.

I'm trying to figure out if the support was because it doesn't matter how much of a low life sleaze-ball one may be as long as they're a right wing Republican or whether Republicans objected to him being questioned about what they consider natural behavior. :dunno:
the wife and several former girlfriends have all given a big thumbs up. I guess that's why I only have a gun with a 4.5 inch barrel.

Listen, I haven't believed you were credible, up to this point. I see no reason to start believing otherwise, now.
Love of guns is very "Freudian".
Listen, I haven't believed you were credible, up to this point. I see no reason to start believing otherwise, now.
Love of guns is very "Freudian".
freud did have a few things to say about weapons.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
> --Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis (1952)
freud did have a few things to say about weapons. "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." > --Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis (1952)

Who said anything about "fear of weapons", SmarterThanFew?

BTW, Freud died in 1939...


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity"? This is not a statement that appears in any translation of any of Freud's works.


LOL, SmarterThanFew...
