Unconfirmed report about how depressed Eric was

Just like someone that refuses to provide proof of his own claims believing something that is unconfirmed.


Someone like you that makes so many claims with no support of them is a sign of someone hurting so much internally he has to lash out at his superiors.

I'll continue touch your wife's pussy and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do to stop me, son.
Someone like you that makes so many claims with no support of them is a sign of someone hurting so much internally he has to lash out at his superiors.

I'll continue touch your wife's pussy and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do to stop me, son.

Just point to the doll, inmate. It'll help you.
Knowing you're going to prison could be very depressing.

Agreed, but I think Eric is safe. Junior, not so much. Junior was part of the insurrection speech. While Daddy Trump has some Executive Privilege cover, Junior may be left flapping in the breeze just like hundreds of Trump fans who followed orders and attempted to overthrow the US government.
I'll continue to point to your wife's pussy where she says the fucking I give her hurts.

Can't stop me, old man no matter how hard you try. Funny how when I'm there, you're not.

Says the guy who asked why he keeps getting Viagra ads on this forum, not realizing that internet ads are based on your browser history.
Says the guy who asked why he keeps getting Viagra ads on this forum, not realizing that internet ads are based on your browser history.

Says the faggot that claimed he'd rather suck a dick than get some pussy. Do you faggot lovers want you to use Viagara?