Undeclared war is raging for no reason, the economy is falling apart, freedom reduced

An attempt to shed and share the blame.

Not at all. I'm not trying to share anything. No one in 2000 when voting knew we would get attacked on 9/11 (assuming the terrorits that did it didn't vote) and no one knew about Iraq.

After finding that out Damo voted for the candidate that said he would end the war. You two didn't. That is fact.
Same translation for Damos post.
I voted for somebody who promised something they didn't deliver and didn't vote for them again, it has nothing to do with blame game.

I get sick of this tired crap. I won't vote for somebody again that will take us into undeclared war. I have made this clear. The WPA is the machine they use to do this, I want it gone or simply unused.
I still don't understand this. In 2004 you and Cypress voted for a candidate that wanted to increase our troop numbers in Iraq. That's not ending the war. Damo voted for a guy that would have tried to stop it. How does that make him a war monger and not you guys?

First, when I had a chance to vote for a viable anti-war candidate instead of kerry, I took it. I voted for Kucinich, and to deny kerry the nomination.

Second, when it came down to only two viable candidates – kerry v. bush – I voted kerry, because I knew we needed someone competent to manage not only the iraq situation, but the country. There was no point voting third party. It was either going to be Bush or Kerry. I knew that bush was an incredible, incompetent moron- a real danger to this country. I’ve been proven right in that regard.

Third, I don’t have a doubt in my mind that if Kerry were prez in 2003, he would have let UN inspections play out, rather than rushing to invade.

Fourth, Damo doesn’t support or vote for Ron Paul or Badnarick on the issue of Iraq. Quite the opposite. He thinks they’re going to keep taxes low, and return us to something akin to the Articles of Confederation. Damo doesn’t support Ron Paul or Badnaricks position on Iraq; that is to say immediate an unconditional withdrawl. Damo supports escalating our troop levels there and continuing the war.
I just call em as I see em Damo. I try and see past the rationalizations and word dances.

Words on a nameless faceless message board mean little. Two methods of power are voting and donating money. (one can volunteer as well for a campaign).

For example, I can claim I love Obama more than anyone but what would that matter if I voted for McCain (or vice versa)?
The nation is in terrable shape, McCain has offered very little differend than Bush has for the past 8 years...

Yet, the American people will elect him because Obama's sisters, uncles, brother once knew a man who shared a lunch with a woman who mothered a child that was cousins with a racist!

you really need to relax and enjoy the nightmare ride to hell. Between Clinton, Obama, and McCain, we're all screwed in the end.