That's a really dumb quote. It doesn't mean anything.
Here's one for you: He who believes that the State is entitled to your hard earned wealth and that he should thankful for what the State allows them to keep is a low IQ moron on steroids.
Here is what it all comes down to.
The Reichwing wants to have the freedom to call Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the social welfare states of Euro-trash "socialist" whenever the fancy strikes them.
Rightwing message board posters and rightwing politicians have long and illustrious careers calling the nations of western Europe "socialist".
But when you remind them that Sweden, Germany, and Denmark are pretty decent places to live, you will witness an amazing back-flip, a remarkable retreat when they holler that Sweden is "not socialist". At that point, what the want is for the word "socialism" to be limited only to the totalitarian Leninist-Maoist states of the USSR, PRC, Cuba, and the like.
Anyone who thinks Sweden is socialist is dumb butt.
Not quite so, Ralph, but hey, believe as you will.
That's a really dumb quote. It doesn't mean anything.
Here's one for you: He who believes that the State is entitled to your hard earned wealth and that he should thankful for what the State allows them to keep is a low IQ moron on steroids.
Here is what it all comes down to.
The Reichwing wants to have the freedom to call Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the social welfare states of Euro-trash "socialist" whenever the fancy strikes them.
Rightwing message board posters and rightwing politicians have long and illustrious careers calling the nations of western Europe "socialist".
But when you remind them that Sweden, Germany, and Denmark are pretty decent places to live, you will witness an amazing back-flip, a remarkable retreat when they holler that Sweden is "not socialist". At that point, what the want is for the word "socialism" to be limited only to the totalitarian Leninist-Maoist states of the USSR, PRC, Cuba, and the like.
Right......Europe is a decent place to live, that's why they are beating down our borderers here in the United States of America. How many times has the US pulled Europe's Tits from the wringer of Fascist Socialism? Socialism is nothing but a utopian pipe dream that always ends in the same manner as pointed out by our founders......totalitarianism and violent revolution. Read point number 10 of the federalist papers describing in detail why our founders invoked a social experiment where THE PEOPLE rule themselves through a republican government at all levels (Article 4 Section 4, Clause 1)
You forget the history actual of Europe. Do you know how many such violent revolutions each sovereign nation has engaged since the birth of the US? Each nation has averaged 6 violent revolutions during the same time period this nation has been governed by THE PEOPLE depending upon 1 eight page list of negative rules that place limits and scope on any Central Government authority (the US constitution). You want freedom......limit Government, not the People's natural rights. Socialism and Freedom go hand in hand like oil and water when Big Brother self professes to be the author of all human rights. Why? Socialism always invokes a special classification of peoples who think they are above the very law they legislate for the peons whom they profess to be inferior because of their lack knowledge...wealth, education....yada, yada, yada....thus you have a handful of elite who dictate to those they think inferior.
Your very first sentence was so preposterous and untrue, that I stopped reading because I had to assume the rest of your word salad was equally untrue, covered in horseshit, and simply not worth the time for a sentient person to read.
Boss Limbaugh might not have told you this, but Danes, Norwegians, French, Swedes, Swiss, in general, are not "beating down the doors" to get to the United States.
Ralph, I clearly rebutted what you believe
Sweden is not socialist