Understanding Trump

So conservatives aren't smart enough to be historians and scholars?

I guess that does kinda make sense.
to another fucked up lib'rul, I'm sure any bizarre thing can seem to make sense.....shucks, you people are stupid enough to believe lies you know you made up......
At least she isn't a convicted criminal.
You go with that (How's that label working out so far, btw?)...I'm going to vote for the person who will be best for our country...
Convictions for non-existent crimes aren't really an issue...the cry of 34 has just about disappeared...People are paying attention to the issues...
(and waiting for the next indictment to fall...the one for ripping off that sacred mattress tag...;))
You don't.
Mean that..;) She's crazy as a loon...And can we please get someone to tell Joe to stop reading quote and end of quote? And quit fidgeting during solemn moments...
Typical of an ignorant Nazi. No reason whatsoever just "she's crazy". She isn't a convicted felon facing another 50 charges and a half a billion in the hole from rape and fraud convictions. Republicans have come completely off the rails. To think they could have nominated a convicted felon as their leader 20 years ago is unimaginable.

Would you trust her running this country? Only a fool would...
I don't trust lying convicted felons that rape women and get convicted of fraud countless times.
Typical of an ignorant Nazi. No reason whatsoever just "she's crazy". She isn't a convicted felon facing another 50 charges and a half a billion in the hole from rape and fraud convictions. Republicans have come completely off the rails. To think they could have nominated a convicted felon as their leader 20 years ago is unimaginable.
She's very unprofessional and unqualified... especially when she's off the teleprompter...
How is nominating someone barely able to walk and talk, who will be replaced by a cackling crazy woman, any better?
No Dem cheating. I am amazed that there are still Trumpys who cannot learn. Biden is popular. He does have people who think he is too old to run though. Trump is too corrupt to run. That choice is easy.
Plenty think he is too old to be president, myself included. It's why his approval numbers are not that great but when the time comes to vote and the choice is between him and Hitler, Biden will win. Besides, Trump is not really any damn younger. I don't care if Biden had a heart attack and was on life support a day before the election I would still vote for him. The alternative is to shitcan half of what this country has stood for for the past 250 years. Trump will destroy it.
there are very few conservative professors in universities.........and they have typically fucked up lib'rul opinions........Occam's Razor castrates them equally as lib'ruls...
Yes most of the conservatives aren't smart enough to attain degrees. It's why all the states that have the worst education rates are heavily conservative. They are simply fucking stupid, like you.
When someone throws out the Hitler or Nazi references, you know they've hit rock bottom...
That's so lame...and vile...and untrue...
Yes most of the conservatives aren't smart enough to attain degrees. It's why all the states that have the worst education rates are heavily conservative. They are simply fucking stupid, like you.
Your degree is in what again?
When someone throws out the Hitler or Nazi references, you know they've hit rock bottom...
That's so lame...and vile...and untrue...

Trump and Hitler: A Responsible Consideration Paperback​

Like it or not, the most historical figure most commonly referred to as an analogue to Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler. Instead of dismissing the parallels, isn't it time that we confront them, and consider them seriously?

Trump and Hitler a Comparative Study in Lying​

A Comparative Study in Lying
Focuses on their approach to politics, including use of popular culture, self-staging, rhetoric and lies

Trump’s Praise Of Hitler Resurfaces In New Book​

The former advisers—including former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, former National Security Adviser John Bolton and former Deputy National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger—recalled the conversations to CNN’s Jim Sciutto in his book “The Return of Great Powers,” which is released Tuesday.
Kelly told Sciutto that Trump allegedly said Hitler “did some good things,” that he “rebuilt the economy” and maintained a strong influence over senior Nazi officials.
Kelly also said Trump was “shocked that he didn’t have dictatorial-type powers” in regards to his ability to move money or U.S. military forces.
What about them? I understand you're desperate to try to devalue conservatives...
Listing some random books means nothing...in fact, that just proves desperation...