Understanding Trump

They responded showing insane things your choice for president has said. Kamala is highly qualified with a good education and lots of political experience. If you speak enough, you will say things that come out wrong. That is normal. Daffy Donald is not doing that. He is expressing his crazy beliefs.

Magats like TOP are blind to how bad they make Trump look.

The do not recognize that elections are 'comparison contests' and when they point out a flaw in Biden or Harris were Trump is so PROVABLY worse, they just shine a spotlight on Trump.

IF these Magats were a sporting coach with just two players left on the bench and needing to put one in, and of those two, one had already broke his leg, and the other injured his ankle but could tough it out and play, these Magats would just keep repeating 'but his ankle', as a way to say to not use him, while ignoring the only other option (broken leg) is FAAAAR worse.
I read this article today and it does an excellent job of explaining how so many people can be captivated by Trump.


I have mentioned many times their similarities and if you look past Hitler's extermination of the jews the two of them are twins.

Oh look, more mindless hate from the Stalinists.
Trump will pick Rubio to try and get the Hispanic vote. Maybe we can have a few commercials of him and trump arguing over who has bigger hands.:LOL:
I'm sure that would demand your attention (since it's so very limited).
That's impressive...what do you do for a living?
(I'm conservative...I have a Bachelor of Science in Education and taught special education for 30 years... )
Hello, Top. I too am retired teacher. Taught 40 years. My best friend taught ESE for about that long. Im a bedwetting liberal with a Masters in Ed. and taught many subject but mostly PE. What Florida is doing to the public schools is a crime. I live in Fla. Where did you teach and what grades? I always said that ESE and K teachers had super powers.................
You don't.
Mean that..;) She's crazy as a loon...And can we please get someone to tell Joe to stop reading quote and end of quote? And quit fidgeting during solemn moments...
“I do very well with the evangelicals, I love the evangelicals,” Trump said, then unleashed a wild word salad.

“Religion is such a great thing, it keeps you, y’know, there’s something to be good about. You want to be good,” he said. “When you have something like that, you want to be good. You want to go to heaven, OK? You want to go to heaven. If you don’t have heaven, you almost say, ‘What’s the reason? Why do I have to be good? Let’s not be good, what difference does it make.’”
Im anomous. His anonymity was enormous............I would love to hear him try anonymity. I had kids say senimole instead of seminole.......thanks for good laughs today......
trump said "Yose-might" instead of "Yo-sem-i-tee." That's not far off from those kids.
Hello, Top. I too am retired teacher. Taught 40 years. My best friend taught ESE for about that long. Im a bedwetting liberal with a Masters in Ed. and taught many subject but mostly PE. What Florida is doing to the public schools is a crime. I live in Fla. Where did you teach and what grades? I always said that ESE and K teachers had super powers.................
Top was a lunchroom lady