Underwater Station

You to can explore the ocean depths, if you have the nerve and the money too?!!

TRITON submersibles will take you to the deepest part of this planet oceans?!!

Some of these submersibles can launch from a yacht, other from a research ship if you want to go really deep?!!



Glad to see the Cousteau family is still in ocean exploration?!!


This is very exciting news to me. We know so little about the unexplored oceans.


[FONT="]Yves Behar described the structure as “the ocean’s equivalent to the International Space Station.”[/FONT]

i'm sorta impressed, but 60 feet isn't that deep. you can dive to about 120 feet. plus the location is tropical, i would be interested in the depths of the pacific ocean, namely the marianna trench. however, it may provide some useful information. thanks for sharing.
Well, we got a surprise the other day. Some private aerospace company wants to build a space port here for "vertical launches." We were all excited until we found out WHERE they want to put it. On the lake shore. Carving out a huge swatch of woods for it. About five miles to our south. Activate the NIMBY Squad!

who owns the land? private or government?
i'm sorta impressed, but 60 feet isn't that deep. you can dive to about 120 feet. plus the location is tropical, i would be interested in the depths of the pacific ocean, namely the marianna trench. however, it may provide some useful information. thanks for sharing.
I hope it leads to exploration of the deeper oceans, yes, like the Marianna trench! Think of what lies there!
I hope it leads to exploration of the deeper oceans, yes, like the Marianna trench! Think of what lies there!
An interesting point about 60 feet, but the real estate motto, and a basic understanding of underwater depth issues, applies: Location, location, location.

The facility is set to be built off the coast of Curacao which itself is near a trench up to 6000' deep. http://fishing-app.gpsnauticalchart...le=C++Curacao+boating+app#7.95/12.165/-68.610

Like some theories think using the Moon as a launch point to Mars, already being underwater at 60' might be a jumping off point to explore deeper.

Also note the water clarity where visibility is over 100 feet. Certainly a plus.

All you have to do is gear up and step off the dock to enjoy great diving any time, day or night. The water is so clear that at 100 feet, you can feel the sun on your back. During a night dive, you can look up and see the moon and stars.

As the OP link notes: "“Ocean exploration is 1,000 times more important than space exploration for — selfishly — our survival, for our trajectory into the future,” said Cousteau. “It’s our life support system. It is the very reason why we exist in the first place.”"