Unfriendly Site


Not So Junior Member
While I find Damo a great host, I find this site very unfriendly towards any discussions in general. The left is set, as is the right. I don't agree for the most part with either. Truthfully, I lean right, anyone reading here for years would know that, but anyone reading with discernment would know that my 'agreement' would be with caveats.

Problem for me, no subtlety from the left. Actually, no accident there, right?
While I find Damo a great host, I find this site very unfriendly towards any discussions in general. The left is set, as is the right. I don't agree for the most part with either. Truthfully, I lean right, anyone reading here for years would know that, but anyone reading with discernment would know that my 'agreement' would be with caveats.

Problem for me, no subtlety from the left. Actually, no accident there, right?

Both sides are rapidly moving away from actual discussions/debates, and moving straight for the insults and flame wars.

Very few topics make it more than a page or so without someone starting to get hostile.

Its sad really.
Is this not true of most political message boards? I believe it is certainly true of the three on which you and I (as well as a few others) frequently cross paths.

Like you, I lean right on many issues, yet on others I either lean slightly left of center or I just don't care. Sometimes this leaves me with little desire to discuss some issues that may be hotly contested by others.

In the end, I've never thought that any argument I may make will change the mind of any person on a political message board, with the possible exception of ActsNobleMartin. Nowadays, I tend to think of political message boards as less a debate forum and more of a "bitch session" where everyone gripes and argues and call people names.

One thing I know for sure, I have yet to see anything change in this world because of something we all discussed on a message board.
I appreciate the two responses. It's what I'd hope for in general, but is not the norm here. Got to pick a side, in each thread. I guess I'm 'bitching' because I think there are more than a few able to discuss, fairly. Unfortunately, they choose sides.
i think it is a friendly board, i mean we are discussing politics and you know what they say....never discuss politics, religion or money at the dinner table :)
i think it is a friendly board, i mean we are discussing politics and you know what they say....never discuss politics, religion or money at the dinner table :)

They are not topics that promote civil behavior, that is for sure.

And when the arguments get heated I understand thinsg getting unruly. But that is different from dismissing liberals or conservatives immediately and using their political party as the sole basis.
We are merely following the programming we recieve from the media and our leaders.
Well most of us are anyway.
This appears to be the way our "country" wants us to be.
The trick is to be better than "country".
We are merely following the programming we recieve from the media and our leaders.
Well most of us are anyway.
This appears to be the way our "country" wants us to be.
The trick is to be better than "country".

You will pardon my expression, but that is bullshit.

The media nuts who are so hostile do it for ratings. Politicians do it for publicity.

People do it because they choose to do it.
Being hostile is not the same as being sheep.

In this case it is.

The most fearful and unacceptable thing to most humans is truely being independent. In politics or life.
We are basically pack creatures looking for a leader or leaders to follow.
In this case it is.

The most fearful and unacceptable thing to most humans is truely being independent. In politics or life.
We are basically pack creatures looking for a leader or leaders to follow.

And being obnoxious alienates more people than it attracts.

The majority of people in the world are decent folks. But on political forums it has become acceptable to use personal insults and attacks in place of reasoned discourse.
And being obnoxious alienates more people than it attracts.

The majority of people in the world are decent folks. But on political forums it has become acceptable to use personal insults and attacks in place of reasoned discourse.

The majority of people in America have become stupit!
From several posters on here I keep seeing viral emails and such posted.
They are programmed to keep it going.

Ther is less than half of us that actually have origional thoughts posted on here.

I got lots of (ie mega flack over the years for my unconventional posts.
Ie an economic cat ass trophy is coming.
The golden age of America is past.
Global economy is not good for American workers.

But at the time I was the only one saying those things on here.
I may not be well spoken and poorly express things but I am no ones puppet.
many of us have become enlightened. Debates don't really have to happen anymore, we can just go

-standard point everyone already knows i believe
-standard rebuke by x y and z
- no you're wrong
- actually no you are wrong, did you even read the article?
- oh my bad. well my point still stands
- what? .. gah nevermind
While I find Damo a great host, I find this site very unfriendly towards any discussions in general. The left is set, as is the right. I don't agree for the most part with either. Truthfully, I lean right, anyone reading here for years would know that, but anyone reading with discernment would know that my 'agreement' would be with caveats.

Problem for me, no subtlety from the left. Actually, no accident there, right?

Just jump in and make your case. QUit being so sensitive.
While I find Damo a great host, I find this site very unfriendly towards any discussions in general. The left is set, as is the right. I don't agree for the most part with either. Truthfully, I lean right, anyone reading here for years would know that, but anyone reading with discernment would know that my 'agreement' would be with caveats.

Problem for me, no subtlety from the left. Actually, no accident there, right?

Annie, you are like a broken record. Stop whining about this.
Interesting a note calling for civil discussion ending with an insult to the other side.
"Problem for me, no subtlety from the left. Actually, no accident there, right?"

Just more partisan whining. Not even very well disguised.

I guess it went over as well as it did since Annie is a female.

Had I posted this I would have had my guts poked at me on a pike.
Interesting a note calling for civil discussion ending with an insult to the other side.
"Problem for me, no subtlety from the left. Actually, no accident there, right?"

Just more partisan whining. Not even very well disguised.

I guess it went over as well as it did since Annie is a female.

Had I posted this I would have had my guts poked at me on a pike.

Damo needs to start a whining forum. That would be awesome.