Unfriendly Site

I'm just happy that people are at least thinking of the tone. Not too mention that Grind repped me, that made me :)
I'm just happy that people are at least thinking of the tone. Not too mention that Grind repped me, that made me :)

I understand your points, and offer you my sympathies, but I really don't see this happening. Personally, I like the comforts of the isolated, lightly lit room, with a sturdy oak table, leather chairs, cigars and pipes, cold adult beverages, perhaps some music, and a rational political conversation, but this forum is also enjoyable.

I try not to take offense to the crap that goes on, and often just go nuts and join the flow. As a teacher, I would hope that you have a pretty thick skin, but I'm also not going to demand that you feel comfortable here.

Also, the crap comes from the right as frequently as it does the left. I think it is important to understand that, because we should never lie to ourselves. There are some seriously demented people who post here, but there are also really cool people like Damo.
So what would be left in the rest of the forums?

Good point! But, I still think Dixie's long-winded, novel-length whines deserve a category all themselves. That shit was knee-slapping hilarious to read. There's probably been other whines I missed that were almost as gold as a Dixie whine. That crap needs to be memorialized.
סּ_סּ;529930 said:
many of us have become enlightened. Debates don't really have to happen anymore, we can just go

-standard point everyone already knows i believe
-standard rebuke by x y and z
- no you're wrong
- actually no you are wrong, did you even read the article?
- oh my bad. well my point still stands
- what? .. gah nevermind

actually, no, you are wrong

the standard rebuke is by a, b, and c
