United Nations Planning To Criminalize Spreading ‘Misinformation’ That Causes ‘Social

Yeah. Dictators, oligarchies, tyrants, world government types, etc.

If they want the UN so bad, they can host it.

Kick 'em out.

Your right wing narrow minded Trumpism makes you extremely simple to predict. You have a terrible flaw that makes you susceptible to far-right propaganda. You do not have to post, just type Trump ditto.
Your right wing narrow minded Trumpism makes you extremely simple to predict.
Good. I'm predictable. People can depend on me. Did you know that's why my business is successful? People PAY for dependability. They will pay a lot for it!
Trump is predictable too. He succeeds for that very reason.
You have a terrible flaw that makes you susceptible to far-right propaganda. You do not have to post, just type Trump ditto.

Define 'far right propaganda'. Another useless buzzword and bulverism.
That's YOUR problem. Maybe you shouldn't try to deny science, math, logic, and philosophy.

Shouldn't you be working in the "business office" you own, you know....your "business"?

I've got a picture of your office:
