Unity is unusable


What was Canonical thinking? I can't even figure out how to do anything on this piece of shit. All it does is look pretty and prevent you from using your OS. Easily the worst desktop environment ever released for Linux ever ever ever. It took me about 10 minutes of wanting to gouge my scrape my eyeballs out of my head in annoyance before I gave up on this lump of shit.
I am not a great fan of Unity either, I prefer KDE4 but it is not so bad after you get used to it and do a bit of customisation. It is actually quite easy to change from Unity back to Gnome 2. My main criticism of it is that you cannot move the panel and change the size of the icons. Anyway Oneiric Ocelet is coming out next month and that will have Gnome 3 as a one click install. I recently tried Zorin OS 5 and that can be made to look like Windows 7 or Windows XP really easily, but more importantly it is pretty damn good as it worked straight out of the box without any pissing about. My favourite though is Linux Mint 10 KDE which I use most of the time.


I am not a great fan of Unity either, I prefer KDE4 but it is not so bad after you get used to it and do a bit of customisation. It is actually quite easy to change from Unity back to Gnome 2. My main criticism of it is that you cannot move the panel and change the size of the icons. Anyway Oneiric Ocelet is coming out next month and that will have Gnome 3 as a one click install. I recently tried Zorin OS 5 and that can be made to look like Windows 7 or Windows XP really easily, but more importantly it is pretty damn good as it worked straight out of the box without any pissing about. My favourite though is Linux Mint 10 KDE which I use most of the time.



I would use Kubuntu, but, again, I'm booting off of a flash drive and want to avoid using any sort of large install to keep disk access to the minimum possible. So I switched back to Gnome 2. I'm thinking about installing Xkfce. I stopped using the ubuntu live USB because of the limitations they place on you (such as being unable to install the Nvidia drivers), and have simply installed ubuntu and used some optimizations, like mounting the tmp folder on a ramdisk. First thing I did on the new system, however, was get rid of Unity.

You can change the size of the absurdly large default icons in unity by installing the compiz settings manager, btw. But the interface is still shitty, IMO. Especially things like the global toolbar.
i just looked at unity and it looks sweet. what was so annoying about it?

It's not that bad but it is annoying that you can't move the taskbar from the left hand side, Canonical decided that it was best where it is. Also Terminal, System Update and Skype are are not on the taskbar by default. It will be interesting to see what Gnome 3 looks like, it supposed to be a one click install on Oneiric Ocelet which comes out next month. Having said all that, I have found it to be very stable especially after all the updates have been applied. I still much prefer KDE 4 which when it first came out was also derided, it was very unstable to begin with but KDE 4.6 is just brilliant.
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It's not that bad but it is annoying that you can't move the taskbar from the left hand side, Canonical decided that it was best where it is. Also Terminal, System Update and Skype are are not on the taskbar by default. It will be interesting to see what Gnome 3 looks like, it supposed to be a one click install on Oneiric Ocelet which comes out next month. Having said all that, I have found it to be very stable especially after all the updates have been applied. I still much prefer KDE 4 which when it first came out was also derided, it was very unstable to begin with but KDE 4.6 is just brilliant.

You know the instant search on the start menu in Windows? Canonical decided to take that and make it pretty much the only way you can interact with your operating system. Brilliant idea. What are menus for anyway?
Well, I've got a hard drive* a-shippin', and whether or not I use Kubuntu or Windows 7 when it comes in depends on whether or not TF2 works on my computer. My new school is a huge user of Linux, so it'd be convenient to use the same operating system.

*A sweet** hybrid Momentus XT

**What, were you expecting an SSD? The XT is already an incredible luxury. Too bad you just can't be cool in this day of SSD's no matter how sweet your hard drive is.
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Yeah, I was using classic Ubuntu, Gnome 2. Gnome 3 can be installed, and it does overwrite Unity.

I thought you were using Kubuntu? I'm putting Kubuntu on my other partition.
Yeah, I was using classic Ubuntu, Gnome 2. Gnome 3 can be installed, and it does overwrite Unity.

I thought you were using Kubuntu? I'm putting Kubuntu on my other partition.

As I stated before, I have several distros namely Linux Mint 10 KDE, Simply Mepis 11, Zorin OS and Ubuntu 11.04. I like Kubuntu but Linux Mint KDE is the same without the hassles, they don't adhere to a six month schedule. If you are looking for a Windows-like distro then Zorin OS 5 is probably the best for you. As for Gnome 3 it is quite similar to Unity, it's a radical departure from Gnome 2. Of all the desktops environments, KDE 4 works the best for me, but Zorin's implementation of Gnome is a close second.
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