Unlimited lockdowns for democrats only

Because degenerate leftists want lockdowns so badly, i recommend we forcibly lockdown all democrats immediately. Freedom, personal responsibility and integrity are far too much for democrats and commies to handle. Mandatory lockdowns need to be instituted for democrats own wellbeing! it is for your own good!

and also if we forcibly lockdown all democrats then crime would massively plummet almost overnight since it is precisely democrats and commies who go around en masse burning down cities, businesses, and beating up and shooting innocents as the left throws hissyfits in the middle of traffic. and it is exclusively leftists who go around lighting dumpster fires and try to set gas stations on fire. leftists are at best overgrown petulant infantile children - if not mindless meatbags. and as the statistics prove, leftism is a degenerative mental disorder

We should also stop trucking supplies into their large cities, keeping those supplies for ourselves instead. After all, they HATE "flyover country"... they HATE "red states"... they HATE "rural trumptards". Let's just let 'em all fend for themselves.
We should also stop trucking supplies into their large cities, keeping those supplies for ourselves instead. After all, they HATE "flyover country"... they HATE "red states"... they HATE "rural trumptards". Let's just let 'em all fend for themselves.

i totally agree. leftists hate the cops and want and demand that cops be abolished and to simultaneously enable crime. truckers across the country are already refusing to go to a lot of these leftist utopias cause of the degeneracy. and many of them are uninsurable. leftists are a huge liability. so really i don't know what they would do if we just give them the lockdown they say they want. they would either starve and die off or grow up and stop being leftists.