Good Luck
New member
Well, since you haven't a foggy clue or even a suggestion other than barter (and you call me a moron.) how to address the issue, how does my question make me a moron?And on that note, why try to change anything or get up in the morning, or even have a government.
You're a moron.
Although, i understand your point. Im actually for the elimination of currency and moveing to a pure barter system.
Is it your belief that nothing can be done about any form of currency control? We shoud just accept our fate as the slaves of those who control the money system?
I strongly believe SOMETHING needs to be done. Just because I ask a question which points out a difficult aspect of the monetary system does not mean I think nothing should be done. I figured it is worth pointing out that a simple move to PM based currency does not necessarily guarantee the government can't continue to fuck with currency values.
As far as solutions go, first, get rid of the federal reserve system. The Constitution give the federal government the power to coin money. It does not give them the power to operate a banking system - especially when half that banking system is actually privately owned. It's the fox guarding the hen house.
What I suggest is to set the PM value of the dollar by Constitutional Amendment. That way they'd have a hell of a time changing it. Or, at least have a Constitutional amendment define and limit how, when, and under what circumstances the PM value of the dollar can be changed.
The government claims the need to be able to "fine tune" the economy by direct control of currency. It's a load of shit. The fact that they keep messing around with things is a major factor in the instability of our economy. They are trying to control a complex system via positive feedback. You can ask any mechanical or civil engineer what happens when complex systems are controlled via positive feedback.