Updated Electoral Map Based on Trafalgar/Insider Advantage polling 🟥 Trump 281 🏆 🟦 Harris 226

Trafalgar is recognized as a Republican biased poll. Most polls have Harris leading or tied in most of the battlegrounds. See 538.com.
So when Harris wins Georgia you won’t whine about. Right?
so tell me........will she win the state by 11,000 votes cast in Fulton County?.......probably not......the new law specifically prohibits unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting......
I don’t believe this map for a second. I’m bracing for a Kamala presidency and scary times for my kind.
No reason for Trumpys to vote. Daffy can not lose. If he does, he will take it with force. Once in, project 2025 will give him powers presidents have never had. The American experiment will end and the plutocracy /dictatorship will begin.
so tell me........will she win the state by 11,000 votes cast in Fulton County?.......probably not......the new law specifically prohibits unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting......

Holy fuck!!! You might be the stupidest poster out here. If she wins the state she wins the state you goddamn fucking imbecile.