Updated Electoral Map Based on Trafalgar/Insider Advantage polling 🟥 Trump 281 🏆 🟦 Harris 226

why do you demmycunts continue to deny that the election was unconstitutional.....all it does is underscore the fact you don't give a fuck about the law........
Article 2 of the Constitution states it is up to the States Legislatures to decide how they want to appoint they representatives to the EC ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT.
So taking that literally they don't even need to hold elections they can just appoint who ever THEY want.
but again IF they ever did that I am sure most of them would be looking for a new job very soon.
Have a nice day
Article 2 of the Constitution states it is up to the States Legislatures to decide how they want to appoint they representatives to the EC ANY WAY THEY SEE FIT.
that is exactly how it is unconstitutional.....In states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan procedures like unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting which were NOT approved by the state legislatures were used.......this was explained to you before......are now pretending you've forgotten?......Fulton County voting officials CANNOT decide how they want to appoint representatives to the EC "as they see fit".....
that is exactly how it is unconstitutional.....In states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan procedures like unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting which were NOT approved by the state legislatures were used.......this was explained to you before......are now pretending you've forgotten?......Fulton County voting officials CANNOT decide how they want to appoint representatives to the EC "as they see fit".....
You continue to prove your are a fucking moron. They were not prohibited either. County election boards are authorized to make those decisions. Counties do not appoint representatives to the Electoral College you uneducated fucking rube. Cry some more, loser.
that is exactly how it is unconstitutional.....In states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan procedures like unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting which were NOT approved by the state legislatures were used.......this was explained to you before......are now pretending you've forgotten?......Fulton County voting officials CANNOT decide how they want to appoint representatives to the EC "as they see fit".....
Not forgotten, rebuked. Courts not people posting on websites decide claims based on Constitutional law. None of the cases that challenged the election on Constitutional grounds were successful. Your claim lives on only in your head.